
APA FSB Style Standards

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These standards are excerpted from the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association, published in 2010. These standards are intended to provide an overview of APA formatting necessary for the Forbes School of Business, writing assignments.
Standard 1: Manuscript Elements o o

Manuscript Format
 Left, top, bottom, and right margins should be 1 inch.
 Paper is prepared in Times New Roman, 12-point font and is double-spaced throughout.
 Page numbers are Arabic numerals in the upper right corner of each page, ½ inch from the top, and are consecutive from the title page through any appendices.
 Preliminary pages contain numbers in lowercase Roman numerals.
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Common Format Examples:
 One Work by One Author:
 In-text citation: Goodson (2013) found that higher concentrations of sulfur increased the odor of the spring water. or Parenthetical citation: Significant variation from the mean results in a higher probability of failure (Baker, 2012).
 One Work by Multiple Authors:
 In-text citation: Lawrence, Patrick, Evans and Smith (2009) found…
[Use as first citation in text.]
 Lawrence et al. (2009) found…
[Use as subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter.]
 Works with No Author or with an Anonymous Author:
 The APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) says, “When a work has no identified author, cite in the text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title of an article, a chapter, or a web page and italicize the title of a periodical, a book, or a report” (p. 176).

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Parenthetical citation: High temperature is a common predictor of decreased employee morale in certain work areas (“Workplace Dynamics,”
In-text citation: The book The Managers Perspective (2011) outlined the… or Parenthetical citation: Garbage output is a predictor of economic health (Anonymous, 2008).
Direct Quotation of Sources:
 Citing quoted information (Periodical):
"Quote" (Kotter, 2012, para. 2). or As stated by Deming (1991),

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