A Visit to Cades Cove
Having lived in the Blount County area all my life, I have taken many weekend trips with my family and friends to Cades Cove, a beautiful place situated in The Great Smokey Mountains. Here you can drive the eleven-mile trail (visiting the homes of people who once resided in Cades Cove), picnic in the park, and camp out for the weekend. Cades Cove contains a lot of history as well as beautiful sites.
Located near the Townsend entrance to the Great Smokey Mountains National Park, the cove is a great place to come and relax for a weekend. From ETSU, the trip is only a 2-1/2 hour drive. That may seem long, but it is well worth the drive, just to escape the hectic college life. Cades Cove is such a beautiful
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The springhouse would provide people with water and would also serve as a "refrigerator." From here, I would drive to the Cable Mill area, which is my favorite. It contains the Mill, the Mill race, and the Dam. There is a blacksmith shop, a barn, and a sorghum mill as well in this area. It started out as the home of Gregg Cable in 1879 and later became the home of Becky Cable. The last site is the Henry Whitehead place. This cabin was made of mill- sawn square logs and has a brick chimney. An older one sits beside it. Ending your tour around the loop, you will find Sparks Lane, a two-way road that provides a shortcut back to the campground or an exit from the cove.
Although there is a great deal of history in the park, Cades Cove has a lot of things to offer its visitors. There is so much to do as far as recreation is concerned. A number of people enjoy fishing, hiking, horseback riding, backpacking, camping, sightseeing, and taking nature walks. Cades Cove offers many trails for people who enjoy hiking. Most of these trails lead you to the cabins if you choose to walk instead of drive. My favorite trail is the one up to Look Rock. Here you can look out over all the mountains and the city. If you like photography, then it is a good idea to bring your camera along with an extra role of film so you can take pictures of all the wildlife. I, for example, have a picture of myself standing next to a deer.
If you enjoy
Fortson has a number of attractions. Its star attractions include Lake Harding, Lake Oliver, Goat Rock lakes, and north highlands. You can take boat leisurely boat rides through the different lakes. The Chattahoochee River offers the longest whitewater rafting course in the area.
Lockegee Rock near Morehead Kentucky holds a stunning view of the Daniel Boone National Forest!
The immigrants that settled the colonies of Chesapeake Bay and New England came to the New World for two different reasons. These differences were noticeable in social structure, economic outlook, and religious background. As the colonies were organized the differences were becoming more and more obvious and affected the way the communities prospered. These differences are evident from both written documents from the colonists and the historical knowledge of this particular period in time.
There are only 14 tent sites and 10 RV sites in the campground at Keowee-Toxaway State Park and all sites are first come first served, so get their early especially on busy weekends. Those who enjoy fishing will find a lot to do in and around Keowee-Toxaway State Park. Both Lake Keowee and Lake Jocasse offer a calm place to fish. Numerous game fish inhabit the waters of these two lakes with Lake Jocasse offering trout fishing. Other lakes and streams in the area provide more opportunity for fishing with-in a short drive of Keowee-Toxaway State Park. There are numerous hiking trails through this wooded area of South Carolina for visitors to enjoy. Keowee-Toxaway State Park's trails range from level and easy for families to somewhat more challenging for those who want to escape into nature. Keowee-Toxaway State Park is a great vacation or weekend getaway location for those living in Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson, SC, Asheville and Hickory, NC, and Atlanta, GA. Keowee-Toxaway State Park is also a great place for college students from Clemson University to enjoy without traveling too
Chippokes Plantation State Park in Virginia is located just across the James River from the site of the Historic Jamestown settlement, Yorktown, and Williamsburg, VA. Chippokes Plantation State Park is a great setting for a historic vacation as well as being close enough to the beach for a day trip to Virginia Beach or other area beaches. Visitors to Chippokes Plantation State Park will find a nicely kept campground offering about 50 sites. The sites are situated in two areas and are not particularly large or private, but are about what is expected in most state park campgrounds. Each camping site has electricity, water, picnic table, tent pad, and fire ring. The campground also offers shower facilities. Chippokes Plantation State Park also offers overnight visitors the opportunity to stay in their cabins. Chippokes Plantation State Park also has a swimming pool. Chippokes Plantation State Park has a few miles of trails that are open to hikers and bikers including handicap accessible trails. The trails are nice for families but leave something to be desired for those who like to hike in a natural setting, but considering the park 's proximity to large cities and urban sprawl it is still a nice place to enjoy. If you are looking for a remote backcountry experience, you should perhaps look elsewhere, but Chippokes Plantation State Park is well centered to many interesting activities and places to see. Historic sites of interest include Jamestown, Colonial Williamsburg, and
The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal was chartered in 1825 (Chesapeake). The canal runs from Georgetown all the way to the Ohio River in Pennsylvania. It is known as one of the best canals ever built. Eventually the canal was taken over by the government and declared as a national monument by President Eisenhower (Chesapeake). The C&O canal is in Georgetown, Virginia. It is parallel to the Chesapeake River. Georgetown is a little town in the city of Washington D.C. This part of Virginia is always very busy. This site tells me that the occupants have a very busy lifestyle and that they are of the upper class. This site could be used by many different people. For example, if someone has fur and it needed to be transported over to
A community is a group of people who work together towards a common goal and share a common interest. Lack of such a quality can and most likely will cause a struggling town or city to fall into the extremes of poverty and wealth. The New England community was so strong and so supportive in comparison to that of the Chesapeake Bay, that it is no wonder they developed into two distinctly different cultures before the year 1700. The Chesapeake region developed into a land of plantations and money-driven owners, with the elite wealthy, almost no middle class, and those in poverty creating the population. New England, on the other hand, had developed into a religion and family based society comprised of mostly middle class families by 1700.
Pensacola is a historical, small, beautiful city down in the South. Pensacola has a charming accent, historical family members from the past, beautiful white beaches, caring and loving people, and a star lit downtown. In Pensacola, you can always find something to do on a rainy or sunny day. On a sunday people hit the waters, they get on their boats and go to a lovely island to enjoy the day. People also go to Pensacola Beach to enjoy the white, relaxing sound of the waves crushing, and all the tourist walking and running down the beach.
Robert Grey is an imagist who paints with words. Using imagery in his poems, Grey is able to visually communicate emotions and ideas. His poetry is concerned with the urbanisation effects on Australian nature and changes it brought within the lifestyle. This is metaphorically expressed in the poem ‘Journey: The North Coast’ as he dwells on the sheer beauty that can be found in the natural world in contrast to the alienated environments manufactured by men. In contrast to the idea of modernisation, Grey also expresses values of love and respect for the environment and nature through the physical and emotional journey. Additionally, the idea of Australian landscapes and strong sense of
Some popular things to do there would be going golfing or riding down to the beaches. People like seeing the lighthouses and all the museums around the coast. Other things to do would be going to state parks, theme parks, and fishing.
The Chesapeake Bay is a 200-mile-long estuary extending from Norfolk, VA to Havre de grace Maryland. On average this bay contains about 68 trillion liters of water. This bay is the largest estuary in North America. It inhabits more than 3,000 species of plants, animals, and fish. “Since the early twentieth century, the Chesapeake Bay has experienced serious environmental degradation. Problems include large reductions in sea grass, reduced amounts of finfish and shellfish (especially oysters and crab), seasonal depletions in dissolved oxygen, and increases in sedimentation.” (Atkins & Anderson, 2003) These changes are brought on by pollution (Eutrophication and Toxic Contamination), development, deforestation, and agriculture. And according
Who wouldn't want to take a vacation in the Smoky Mountains? The smokies have been there for a very long time. In the mountains there's still historical landmarks. Many plants and animals have inhabited the mountains and made them their home. The Smokies have many interesting and fun attractions and things to do. The history of the smokies are quite interesting to listen to and hear about. The smoky mountains are a beautiful place to visit.
Has anyone here ever, heard the words, Smoky Mountains. If so, then they are either referring to my National Park, or Global Warming. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the only National Park that has Geysers that spit up smoke. It also is the only Park with an excessively long name. Now you may be wondering why the Great Smoky Mountains are great. You can look around, to find a Park that has a nice place to Camp, Fish, have a Picnic, but almost all of them are either uncomfortable, have no maps, really, really close to the edge of a cliff, or, you may just want to find a different place. But you won't find another place as warm, embracing, and fun. Well, so far you could classify it as The Grand Canyon. Another reason the Great Smoky
I looked forward to this trip every single year. Driving to get there was almost better than the camping trip itself. The road had big hills that made your stomach drop on the way down, and I always pretended I was on a roller coaster. At the top of one of those hills, there was a wooden sign, painted brown with yellow letters, all in capitals, that said “WICKLUND’S CAMPGROUND”. The driveway was a simple, downhill dirt road that had a bend at the bottom of the decline. Driving around that corner, you could always see the lake sparkling through the thin line of trees because the sun was always shining. It was cloudy that day.
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, written by Annie Dillard, is a novel based on the writers