
A True Brownie Research Paper

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Charlotte Davidson EWC 4U1 Mrs.Oglan 11.10.17 A True Brownie There are many different families in the world who follow their own rules or ethics; from Caucasian families, African American families, Asian, to mix, we are all different. The one place little girls would group up away from their families were the girl scouts. Parents were ensured their tiny little angels would learn the arts of positivity and honesty. Dawn, when rainwater splattered across the bumpy sidewalk, as yellow rain boots splashed into the puddles by perpetually energetic children. It was merely the crack of dawn as a rainbow formed in the faded crimson sky from the storm the night before. Clusters of parents held onto their children's hands as they rushed across the …show more content…

“There’s no point in laughing in conversations that aren't funny.” The little girl replied bluntly. The troop leader baffled on her silence, gave the little girl a badge. Confused on her accomplishment, the little girl remained silent and continued on with her day. During snack time, a table was set at the front entrance. Troop leaders organized the badges; preparing them for the rest of the year. Many little girls looked over their shoulders debating which badge looked the prettiest as Charlotte continued to guzzle down her Cool-Aid. The end of the day approached as parents waited by the door for their children. Each parent received a schedule informing them on what badges they should expect to sew on, on what days, while the girls prepared their bags to go home. Consecutive in the day, Charlotte’s parents called her down to the main floor with a slipper in hand. “How did you get this badge?” her father questioned in a sharp tone, holding up the badge she’d received earlier on in the day. “I dunno.” the little girl responded, unaware of the situation. “The schedule doesn't have any badges for today…” the father asserted. “Did you steal it from the table?” he

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