
A Time To Every Purpose Analysis

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Jonathan D. Sarna, author of “A Time to Every Purpose” writes of letters written from a father to his child about Jewish lifestyles, customs, and holidays designated to specific events in Jewish history. Of the many letters written, a few especially depicted the religious aspects of Jewish life as well as the relationship between Jews and Americans in the United States. Chapter 2 speaks of food, family customs, and Jewish “distinctiveness” during the celebration called Maimuna. Chapter 3 addresses the remembrance of the Holocaust and its’ personal affect on Jews as a whole, during the day of Yom ha-Shoah. Chapter 4 indulges in the celebration of Israel as an independent state during a day called Yom ha-Atsma’ut. Lastly, Chapter 6 takes on anti-Semitism, …show more content…

I was shocked when I read that some Jews have entirely separate sets of dishes, forks, knives, and even in some instances, different dishwashers! The purpose of this, “Abba” says, is “to make Jews feel distinctive and special” (21). He says it is hard to keep kosher sometimes because restaurants are limited and it is an extremely disciplined lifestyle. He explains it by comparing the lifestyle to that of a person who is vegan. He goes on to say “It establishes a relationship between you, your family, and the traditions of the Jewish people” (21-22). I found it unbelievable how passionate Jewish people could be in maintaining a certain meal plan for their whole lives! Even more so there is an important key part of life that focuses on family. For Jews, they consider all Jews as a people one big family. They trace themselves all the way back in the Bible to the time of Abraham and Sarah. There is a known idea that Jews are the “chosen people” and this idea alone has caused conflict amongst all religions. Jewish people alone tend to consider this idea as ridiculous, and others look at it as a confidence boost that got them through the hard times as a

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