
A Space At Ucsf Rough Draft

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Space at UCSF Rough Draft UC San Francisco is committed to living out their mission of “advancing health worldwide.” Fulfilling this mission demands UCSF’s growth, but certain restrictions hinder this expansion, specifically space limitations. As UCSF develops a building plan for campus renovations, they are considering three main issues in regards to space limitations. First, San Francisco sits on a peninsula surrounded by water, which limits the growth of the city, thus directly influencing UCSF. Second, certain campus buildings need to undergo seismic renovations for safety reasons. Finally, construction efforts will require a stable financial budget. The financial budget influences UCSF, because they are a public institution and as …show more content…

The main campuses include: Parnassus, which is located in the center of the city; Mission Bay and Mount Zion. UCSF is affiliated with two hospitals: Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center. UCSF also owns and preserves Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve, which is a 61-acre open space and extra campus housing. Parnassus Campus Parnassus, which served as the original headquarters of the UCSF campus, is enduring arguably the greatest space constraints out of the campus locations. The Parnassus campus covers six blocks and is composed of faculty, students, staff and those involved in research, patient care and educational events. Surrounded by a residential area, Parnassus is limited from growing outward and growing upward, out of respect to the surrounding neighborhood. The UC Regents set forth campus boundaries on the upward growth of Parnassus, referred to as the space limit. Currently, Parnassus exceeds the space limit by 3.7%, and UCSF has established a long-range plan to reduce that amount. Parnassus buildings that will be effected by the long-range plan include: the Clinical Sciences Building (CSB), UC Hall and the Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital and Clinics (LPPH&C) site. The proposed deadline for renovations on the CSB is late 2018-early 2019 and UC Hall is 2020. The CSB will begin bidding renovation soon

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