UNIVERSIDAD DE CARABOBO FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN DIRECCIÓN DE POSTGRADO MAESTRÍA EN EDUCACION EN ENSEÑANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES ASIGNATURA: SEMINARIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y TRABAJO ESPECIAL DE GRADO II PROFESOR: FELIPE BASTIDAS WEB BLOG COMO HERRAMIENTA DE COORDINACIÓN DE LA PROMOCIÓN SOCIAL DEL SERVICIO COMUNITARIO EN LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE CARABOBO Autor: Leonardo, Rivero CI: 17032379 Bárbula, Junio 2015 . CAPITULO 1 . EL PROBLEMA 1.1 Planteamiento del problema Asistimos a una intensificación de las relaciones sociales y económicasen todo el mundo por las que se enlazan y se relacionan de manerainterdependiente los acontecimientos locales de "aquí" y los que ocurrenen lugares lejanos, en una amalgama de relaciones en red, en laque todos los acontecimientos se relacionan entre sí sin existir espacioni tiempo que amortigüen esta interdependencia. De esta forma, en elTrabajo Social Comunitario debemos considerar que lo que sucede enun barrio de una determinada localidad, posiblemente ha sido influidopor factores, decisiones o sucesos que operan a una distancia lejana dela zona en cuestión, lo que implica una complejidad en el análisis yresolución de las problemáticas. La globalización conlleva a la acciónconcertada de estados, de municipalidades, regiones geográficas o territorios relacionados, Organismos nacionales o supranacionales así como de las organizacionessociales conocidas como ONG´s, las cuales diseñan
As America began its journey establishing a large nation-state, the colonies within it were harboring ideals that would be seen as unwielding and downright crazy in present day society. The Puritan society was one that practiced religion in extreme measures, where they viewed the smallest action against “God’s wishes” to be punishable by exile or death. The Puritan society was one of extreme rigidity and structure, as it stifled individualism and expression in order to keep their religious beliefs “pure” and “unchanging”. Nathaniel Hawthorne examined the Puritan beliefs in his novel The Scarlet Letter. In this novel, Hawthorne displays the innate nature of Hester Prynne and glorifies her beauty as a symbol of strong individual conscience and morality. He exhibits the misguided morality that lies within society and how it can forcefully alter the personalities of people living there, unless they hold true to their true morals.
Rodriguez has spent his entire childhood with his nose superglued to an open book. He read as many books as he could get his hands on - hundreds by the time he reached his freshman year of high school. He neglected his real world relationships because he spent more time focusing on the relationships in the literature he was reading than on the people and the life that was really around him. I believe that Rodriguez wrote this essay because he finally had the realization that he might have let his scholarly ethics (while they had good intentions), dictate his past in a negative way. I think when he talks about how he reached “the end of education,” he is referring to the point in his life where he made this realization; the point when he finally began to be fully present in his own life.
In this paper I will show my research on how theories of education have changed thought the years and how teachers and students adapt to these changes. With the changes in multicultural classrooms and how students with disabilities have rights in public education.
Personal and social identity is a fundamental unit for students as it provides a starting point for them to conceptualise how their personal experiences interconnects with public knowledge and understand the role of socialisation. As mentioned in the assessment the class consists of a diverse number of ethnic backgrounds and ability so this unit is crucial for them to understand how they fit in different social and cultural settings. In a way the diversity found in a class makes for an interesting interactions and discussions which will contribute to their understanding in the unit. This of course is limited by students ' willingness to share such information thus the activities in this unit have
Eggleton, P. J. (n. d.) Motivation: A key to effective teaching 3(2). Retrieved August 14,
There are, though, some similarities between the two theorists. Both dealt with the concept of human motivation. And Skinner, unlike pure behaviourists, did accept that internal processes should be taken into account. Both believed that feedback on actions is important, and both are still, to this day, highly influential in the This literature review will identify two key theories, within the field of education and learning. Consideration will be given to their similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses, and how they impact on learners when used in practice. The review will examine both humanism and behaviourism, focusing on the work and findings of Abraham Maslow and Burrhus Frederic Skinner. While both theorists have had a profound influence on developmental psychology and education, they hold very different theories and applications.
The Chilean military dictatorship, led by Augusto Pinochet from 1973 to 1990, had instituted monocultural educational practices, which have failed to address the educational needs of minority ethnic groups in the region (Korth, 1968). According to the 2002 Population Census (Censo de Población), 5.4 per cent of Mapuche have never attended a school, 47.1 per cent have had basic education, 37 per cent have attended high school and only 10.5 per cent have reached higher education (Williamson, Pastrana & Gomez, 2004). A recent thesis developed in the Proyecto Educativo Institucional: Liceo de Ercilla (2016) discussed that there are low numbers of Mapuche students in education beyond primary levels as a result of early transitional language models
First, it is important to establish that the globalization phenomenon refer to the capitalist model expansion around the world, based on the exchange of goods, services and markets that specially in Colombia lead to the collapse of the national borders and the succeeded of a deeply interdependence between countries, regions, enterprises, and transnational actors that transform together into a single economic system. Taking into account the specific situation in Colombia, the globalization allow the introduced of several and different structural changes in the configuration of the Colombian social, economic, and political relations of the state. Also allows the free development of the capitalism, being this term one of the most significantly impacts in the development of Colombia because of the repercussions in the way that the economy in Colombia was changed in a different way. To explain why, it is important to know that each country design his own system to rule the main aspects, such as in the economyGlobalization trends materialized in the signing of integration agreements, common market or free trade areas, widespread strategies aimed at attracting foreign investment and creating conditions to attract the interest of large transnational corporations, as well as the rigor macroeconomic, preservation of a healthy fiscal balance and policies of privatization of assets and services estatales.4 turn, globalization demanded decentralization of state functions to make it more efficient in the management of resources and to promote self-sustainability of the regions and
All school systems has its own history, successes and failures. The framework that teaching and learning takes place within the educational system consist of many things such as what will be taught, how it will taught and how it will include all students regardless of learning ability. Imaginary County Elementary will devise a technology plan for the school years of 2014-2017. Imaginary County Elementary will set a plan in motion that adheres to the National Education Technology Plan as well as the State of Alabama Technology plan.
Pedagogy focuses on educating children. In pedagogy, teachers decide what will be learned, how it will be learned, and why it is important that it be learned. Teachers are in charge of the learning process. This is a more controlled learning environment, making it more effective in children than in adults. A controlled learning environment can cause resentment and cause the learner to not want to learn because they can't learn on a level that is comfortable and effective for them. Andragogy was first only focused on helping adult learners. One belief listed in the adragogic model is that learners won't learn until they are ready and motivated by overcoming restrictions such as behaviors, beliefs, and learning. Andragogy is embraced by Bethel University and its professors. Besides learning being the focus of both styles, there aren't many
However, globalization developed international contacts and made it possible to cooperate on the global scale. As a result, nowadays, basically due to the high level of development of IT and Internet, specialists physically living in different countries of the world may work on one and the same product. So, it may be said that globalization “eliminated geographical boundaries between countries” (Gomory 2002:187).
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela. Without education, there is simply no telling of what this world would be like. There wouldn’t be doctors, lawyers, businesses etc. Life and everything around us would be fatuous. Schools and education give us a plan in life and help guide us. Throughout the years education has changed tremendously. It had its improvements throughout the decades, and it also has had its falters as well. Education in America is an issue in this country and it definitely needs to be tweaked and improved. Education is what makes us people who we are and what we will be. Nelson Mandela had it right, there is no weapon more powerful than education.
Reggio Emilia approach originated in Italy in a small town with the same name. It was started under the leadership of educator Loris Malaguzzi in collaboration with parents and other educators and educationists. This educational model was influenced by many early childhood psychologists and philosophers, such as Piaget, Vygotsky, and Gardner. Giving birth to a new community and culture inspired centers of education for infants, toddlers and preschoolers in Reggio Emilia. The Reggio approach to education is a teaching philosophy based on Developmentally Appropriate Approach to teaching and learning. It is an approached founded on theories of child development, an observation and assessment of the child’s interest and curiosity about the world around him and his cultural background. A Developmentally Appropriate Practice(p3) ensures the wholesome growth of the child and nurtures his socio-emotional, physical and cognitive development(p6). It teaches the child to find the answers themselves. The children come first.
As schools and the education system itself have transitioned to a standards based system between the installation of the Common Core and as a state in the Iowa Core, the question arises as to when will the grades reflect the standards. How can schools say that students are meeting the standards without proof both from the classroom and from the current grading system. The fact remains that many schools appear to be hesitant in switching to a standards based grading system because many are wondering if this is a current fad that will soon dissipate into just another has been theory. Wahlert is really no different than any other school where change and adoption of the standards has been a slow process.
There are three extremely important concepts that I took away from my culture and schooling course. These three concepts include reacting to tragedy in the classroom, incorporating culture into the classroom, and creating a ‘peace class’. Each of these things are important to incorporate into my future classrooms.