
The Theories Of The Field Of Education And Learning

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There are, though, some similarities between the two theorists. Both dealt with the concept of human motivation. And Skinner, unlike pure behaviourists, did accept that internal processes should be taken into account. Both believed that feedback on actions is important, and both are still, to this day, highly influential in the This literature review will identify two key theories, within the field of education and learning. Consideration will be given to their similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses, and how they impact on learners when used in practice. The review will examine both humanism and behaviourism, focusing on the work and findings of Abraham Maslow and Burrhus Frederic Skinner. While both theorists have had a profound influence on developmental psychology and education, they hold very different theories and applications.
The behaviourist school of thought sought to prove that behaviour could be predicted and controlled. Often using animals in their experiments, they studied how changes in environment can affect behaviour. It was their belief that learning begins with a clean slate and that behaviour is acquired by conditioning. They suggest that the learner’s response to stimuli can be reinforced and directed using positive or negative feedback.
There are two main types of conditioning; ‘classical conditioning’ and Skinners own brand ‘operant conditioning’. His initial experiment involved hungry rats placed in ‘Skinner boxes’. Inside the boxes were

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