Before January 2008, industrial accidents were the main cause of Hydrogen Sulfide poisonings in Japan. Since then, the use of this gas in chemical or “detergent” suicides increased exponentially, over 2,000 such suicides have been reported in Japan. This trend was next encountered by first responders in America, with 3 cases reported in 2008, 9 in 2009 and over 30 incidents in 2010 (Morii et al., 2010).
The new trend was shared via internet message boards. Dependant of the mixture of common household ingredients such as bath salts and toilet detergent, either Hydrogen Sulfide or Hydrogen Cyanide gas will be produced. Suicide is often performed in a confined space in order to trap the resulting gas. Enclosed spaces such as
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A colourless, flammable, toxic gas and an olfactory nerve paralyzer, even in low quantities (1,000 - Lethal Dose 1000ppm
- Immediate collapse with cardiopulmonary arrest, even after one breath.
Data from (Oreshan and Stevens, 2011).
Information Sources
The Fire Department’s response on scene was guided by the ERG (2016). Throughout the incident, an isolation distance of 330ft was maintained around the vehicle. It was a small scale incident with no spillage, the chemicals were confined to the vehicle. No exposure hazard was identified to occupancies downwind of the incident.
Upon arrival, Fire Crews liaised with Police Units, ensuring they were outside the 330ft cordon. Liaison determined the risks posed by the vehicle and its contents and established any additional safety concerns.
Who was at Risk?
Members of the public: Due to the time the incident occurred, no one had encountered the vehicle.
The first responder: The Police Officer was evaluated by the Fire Department’s medical unit. He had maintained a safe distance from the vehicle and subsequently not been exposed to lethal concentrations of the gas. By making careful observations, he observed the pungent odour, the written warnings and the individual slumped driver’s seat. By requesting the Fire Department, he recognised the risks posed to himself and the public, if he opened one of the vehicle doors he would have been instantly overcome by the gas,
Their goal is to limiting the exposure to firefighters and first responders to these cancer causing toxins. The chemicals outlined in the submitted language of LC182 are defined as "Flame-retardant chemical" means a chemical or chemical compound for which a functional use is to resist or inhibit the spread of fire. "Flame-retardant chemical" includes, but is not limited to, halogenate, phosphorus-based, nitrogen-based and nanoscale flame retardants and any chemical or chemic compound for which "flame retardant" appears on the substance safety data sheet required under Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1910.1200(g) (2015). (LD182,
The chemicals inhaled nare arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide,many of these have been proven toxic or have been proven to cause
I spoke to the drivers who were all out of their vehicle and appeared that they were going to transfer information. I asked “Who was injured?” They replied that everyone was OK but one driver, later identified as Erin Feeney had injured her knee/leg. I requested Goodwill Ambulance to check on Feeney. I then asked “What happened?” Becky Boone who was operating a 2017 Silver Ford Focus stated that she believed a white vehicle struck her from behind causing her to collide with the vehicle in front of her.
On 03/08/2017 Deputies were dispatched to the area of 120th Ave and Oliver Road for a traffic complaint. The reporting party advised a vehicle was parked near the tracks and when a train approached three occupants got out of their vehicle and stood in the roadway. Other deputies were en route to this call when another call came out and other units were needed elsewhere. After finishing with my current assignment I responded to this call.
Officer Hickerson stated he contacted the driver and only occupant of the vehicle who was identified by his California Driver License as Tyler TURNER. Officer Hickerson stated he could smell the odor
“They were trying to get under the foam, but to no avail," he said. "They were human torches." The fire quickly spread eastward along Avenue “Y” towards 5th Street. Viewing the unfolding horror before him, Commissioner Rizzo ordered two more alarms, five additional rescue squads, and the recall of all companies which had previously been released from the fire grounds throughout the day. On these orders the fire alarm room transmitted the seventh and eighth alarms. As the fire had been placed under control nearly eight hours earlier, firefighters in stations across the city knew that the unthinkable had occurred as these additional
On August 28, 2008, at about 10:35 p.m., a runaway chemical reaction occurred inside a 4,500 gallon pressure vessel known as a residue treater, causing the vessel to explode violently in the methomyl unit at the Bayer CropScience facility in Institute, West Virginia. Highly flammable solvent sprayed from the vessel and immediately ignited, causing an intense fire that burned for more than 4 hours. The fire was contained inside the Methomyl-Larvin insecticide unit by the Bayer CropScience fire brigade with mutual aid assistance from local volunteer and municipal fire departments.
Asphyxiates are the poisonous gases which include chlorine, phosgene, and diphosgene. Chlorine inflicts damage by forming hydrochloric acid when it comes in contact with moisture such as what is found in the lungs and eyes. It is lethal at a ratio of 1:5000 (gas/air), whereas phosgene is deadly at 1:10,000 (gas/air) - twice as toxic! Diphosgene, first used by the Germans at Verdun on 22 June, 1916, was deadlier still and could not be effectively filtered by standard issue gas masks.
On 07/17/2016 at approximately 0618 hours, I was notified by Detective M. Carter #181968 of a traffic fatality involving two (2) Toyota Camrys on Broadway Avenue, west of Pine Lawn Avenue. Upon arrival, I observed the involved vehicles at final rest on the outside edges of Broadway Avenue. I observed heavy damage to the front of both vehicles. I made contact with Deputy R. Lariz #4826 and was informed the driver of the red Toyota Camry was transported by Hillsborough County Fire Rescue to Tampa General prior to my arrival. I assumed the responsibilities as the lead detective and Detective M. Carter took the responsibilities as the scene detective. Deputy J. Winters #246608 was assigned the DHSMV traffic crash report
Anxiety is an extreme mental disorder when an anxious feeling does not subside and is constantly ongoing without a particular reason (Blue, 2016). This mental health condition can be extremely serious and overwhelming and makes it very hard to cope with daily life (Blue, 2016).
Vomiting gases are used for riot-control or harassing agents and are only meant to irritate. "The body attempts to counter the irritation either by secreting fluids or by initiating reflex actions, for instance, vomiting," (Rose, 1968, p. 20). It is the incapacitating nature of these responses that gives vomiting gases their harassing effects and name.
For decades, a substance known to cause burns, hospitalizations, and deaths has been found throughout the world. 3.41 million people die every year from issues related to this chemical, including over 200 children every hour. Approximately 80% of all diseases are either caused by the chemical or are somehow related to it. More substances dissolve into this substance than any other substance on earth, which is helpful for another usage of the chemical in nuclear power generators. Inhaling this substance causes suffocation, and eating too much of its solid form or drinking too much of its liquid form can cause intoxication and death. The name of this substance is Dihydrogen Monoxide, and despite its known dangers and prevalence across the United
troopers were joined by posse men and deputies with tear gas canisters, in seconds the road was
Ethanoyl anhydride and concentrated sulfuric acid are highly corrosive. Ethanol is flammable, salicylic acid is irritant to eyes and skin. Chemicals were handled in the fume cupboard. Plastic gloves were worn throughout the experiment.
The current approximate population of the earth is 7.4 billion people as of 10:21 pm on 28 June 2016. The earth presently has a population increase of 1.3% per year. This growth is influenced by, geographic factors, socioeconomic factors and the lack of population equilibrium.