
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Dave Kessler's Letter Addressing

Decent Essays

These students both feel very strongly about the topic they are addressing in their letters. they both make very valid points on each side of the argument in an effective way. They are very professional. However, the students seem passionate about their arguments. Their feelings are clear due to their tone. Dave and Janet's tone was a true strength in their letters.

Dave Kessler begins his letter stating the issue he wants to address. As he shifts in to his second paragraph it is very clear that he feels strongly about not having advertising in the school: "It is not fait to influence young minds to buy products or watch television programs when they should be focused on schoolwork." Dave is very concerned, so his tone is slightly angry. His tone gets his point across clearly and efficiently. …show more content…

She also makes a valid argument about keeping advertisement in schools. Her letter is calm and professional in the beginning. she simply states important facts about money in the school. in the fourth paragraph he tone shifts to slightly more irritated when she says: If advertising money can save teachers' jobs, isn't it worth it?" Her concern for her teachers and parents are very clear. The tone of her letter is a huge strength because she is very respectful, but also shows her feelings to make a

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