
A Report On Ibis Midlands Hotel Network Essay

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The managing director of IBIS MIDLANDS hotel decided to Consult Network Security Consultant after the other hotels of the IBIS chain have encountered several breaches. The managing director has asked the Consultant to appraise the threats and vulnerabilities that exist in the network and to identify the different security risks that the network is facing and also to produce a report about what found. The report concluded that the hotel network is suffering from several issues of technical and administrative aspects. The Consultant has recommended the following risks should be taken as a priority. First, the hotel network data is possible to be lost due to there is no data backup server. Second, the network could be exploited by a remote, unauthenticated user, that will lead to negative Serious consequences.


The aim of this research paper is to appraise the threats and vulnerabilities that exist in the IBIS MIDLANDS hotel network and to identify the different security risks that the network is facing. This report will only mention the estimated hazards that surrounding the network and offers some recommendations to the Board of the IBIS chain. Due to other hotels of the IBIS chain have encountered several breaches. In addition, evaluate the existing network security against the threats and Potential risks. This paper concluded that the hotel network is suffering from several issues of technical and administrative aspects. It is recommended the following

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