The 9-Iron Country Club is trying to implement a remote access program for their employees to access their work from home. The 9-Iron Country Club provides services for more than 1,200 members and employs around 75 staff. During the winter months, outdoor operations are ceased and preparation for the upcoming seasons begins. The addition of a remote access option will give the staff the ability to securely work from home and provide continued support. The 9-Iron Country Club has hired an information consultant to prepare the network and provide recommendations for the remote access solution. The purposed solution is using Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) to provide a secure remote connection for all employees. This report will review TACACS+ implementation, risk involved, and data classification. TACACS+ was developed by CISCO is the new open standard for remote access and uses the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) architecture. TACACS+ provides a quick and easy merging with the current network. The implementation of TACACS+ will provide the employees of The 9-Iron Country Club with everything they have requested. TACACS+ will continue to provide the needed remote access solution with its updateability for many years to come. …show more content…
With today’s technology, security has become the center point of most strives in technology. The security that TACACS+ will provide helps outweigh the risk of implementing remote access. Through dedicated logging and monitoring, TACACS+ is a very secure protocol that provides continuing support. The 9-Iron Country Club must train all employees who will be using remote access to mitigate risk of breach. The training provide will include an acceptable use policy, account protection measures, secure log-in procedures, and awareness
Team “C” was hired by Riordan Manufacturing management to overhaul the security features currently employed by the company. Management outlined a comprehensive plan that included a complete hardware refresh, security best practices and end user training. Team “C” will devote resources to assess the physical and network security issues and concerns at each Riordan plant. Once those have been identified, Team “C” will identify the data security issues and concerns present at each Riordan plant. Finally, Team “C” will address web security issues and concerns present at each Riordan plant and recommend a way forward for the company.
This implementation of secure remote access extends the secure network to the remote user using a secure PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) connection.
TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System), it uses TCP Protocol and Port 49. Also it encrypts the entire payload and separates Authentication & Authorization.
56. Does the secure protocols are being used for administrative functions and transmission of login
• Prepare a 5 to 10 minute PowerPoint assisted presentation on important access control infrastructure, and
With the use of remote access solution to balance the need for mobile access and user productivity is one way to keep corporate resources secure. The Portal app for iOS and Android devices simplifies secure mobile access to Riordan web applications that reside behind the access policy manager and Gateway. With the Portal applications, employees can access internal web pages and web applications fast. The Portal, along with customers’ existing Gateway, and access policy manager deployments, provides access to internal web applications such as Riordan intranet sites. This portal access provides a launch pad that IT department use to allow mobile access to precise web resources, without exposing full network access from unknown devices. Riordan employees can sync their e-mail, calendar, and contacts directly to the company Microsoft Exchange Server. This also permits IT department to award secure mobile access to web-based resources.
One of the most important security considerations is how remote clients will be authenticated. PAP (password authentication protocol) will be used. Individuals who remotely access the network will do so by using company issued devices. They are to use the same security considerations they would be subject to at their on-site workstations. Remote access servers will use encryption methods and be closely monitored.
This is an open exposure due to the uncertainties of the internet. Controlling access to information systems and associated networks is necessary for the preservation of their confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality assures that the information is not disclosed to unauthorized persons or processes. Any automated attacks or personal attack or attack to exploit the company secrets/statistics/data is the biggest threat to that may occur without the firewall.
The analysis of the problem should take a day. At the analysis stage we determine the solution. The solution has been identified as the installation of the access control system. At this stage the system parts are identified; they include input, output, communication devices, power supplies, detection devices, intelligent panels, card readers, lock hardware, the actions and the response of the system in case of violation of the input requirements or failure of the system.
Callaway Golf Company is considered a leader of the golf equipment industry through its development of technologically advanced golf clubs that compensated for the most amateur players with poor swings and helping them achieve a better golf game with the introduction of Big Bertha in 1990 and launched Callaway Golf Company forward at great speed into notoriety of the golfing community (Gamble, 2000). This analysis will thoroughly dive into the many parts of the case of the Callaway Golf Company.
In the 1950’s Arthur Miller wrote a play, The Crucible, and set it in Salem during early colonization. In The Crucible, John Proctor has an affair with a young woman named Abigail Williams. However, John decides it is time to end things with Abigail, because of this she seeks revenge and spirals the town into madness in search of a “witch”. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter , minister, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Hester Prynne a young widow have a love affair and Hester becomes pregnant. Hester is forced to wear a red “A” on the front of her dress. Hester’s “dead” husband reappears and is set on finding out who Pearl’s father is. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter share similar themes about internal conflict.
The intent of this security proposal is to ensure the ongoing protection and data security for a government agency's data center. Security and access privileges will be defined at the role and department levels, with added authentication for system administrators and members of the IT staff. Role-based access to this government facility will be tracked continually and reported using real-time log reporting and analysis (Amsel, 1988). This role-based approach to managing security will provide for inclusion of authentication, detection and deterrence in the areas of social engineering, firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), authentication, security protocols and vulnerability assessments.
As the use of computers, databases, and technology in general, security has grown to be a powerful tool that has to be used. The threat of outside sources intruding and exploiting crucial information is a threat that is present on a daily basis. As a part of creating and implementing a security policy, a user must consider access control. Access Control is a security tool that is used to control who can use or gain access to the protected technology. Access control security includes two levels; logical and physical. Though database intrusions can happen at any moment, access control provides another security barrier that is needed.
In the opening chapter of The Floating Opera, Todd Andrews makes an observation that storytelling is not his cup of tea, because digressions are impossible to contain, and that makes it hard for him to concentrate on a particular line of narration; every image he creates breeds other images, words bring about other words, there being no end to "new figures and new chases" (Barth 2). This remark suggests that Todd's existence is, indeed, confined to the reality he forges by telling his tale; this fictitious reality regenerates itself. The tone of the passage also implies that Todd enjoys not a little the unprecedented freedom this realm allows to digress at will, chasing the
Drug testing in schools is a very controversial issue with strong opponents and proponents. The controversy comes down to legality, safety, and privacy, with both sides of the argument having different perspectives on each. Drug testing for schools is a fairly recent development in the educational system, supposedly aimed at fighting an evolving drug problem in the United States.