Roberto Quesada
5 Berringar St
8 September 2015
Meliton Qua
47 Rocha St
San Lorenzo Village
Dear Meliton,
I would like to thank you for this opportunity for allowing me to buy a new car with $20,000. I have taken into account your restrictions about the safety ratings of the car. Inside this letter, I have written a report on as to why this car is the perfect one for me, allowing with physics concepts behind its multiple safety features.
My chosen car is the 2015 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR CJ Manual MY15. It fits in the cost range, as it costs $17,200-$19,200. Hopefully you will consider this as my potential first car. Thank you very much.
Roberto Quesada
Car Safety
Chosen Car: 2015 Mitsubishi Lancer
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The Mitsubishi Lancer has a number of safety features which are proven to increase overall safety along with increasing the chance of survival in an accident.
Definition= A seat belt is a vehicular safety device designed to secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement that may result during a collision or a sudden stop.
Seatbelts are used so that the occupant is not thrown forward during a vehicle crash, as a result of inertia. Inertia is the tendency to stay in the same state of either moving, or not moving, and because of this, anything inside of a car when it crashes wants to continue to move forward. Seatbelts restrict the space for the occupant to move, keeping them in their place, and stopping them from moving forward. Seatbelts also spread the load exerted on the body to the areas that can handle the force, such as the chest and hips.
Seatbelts are one of the major safety features of a car, as without them, a person is almost certain to die in a collision. Seatbelts however, increase the chance of survival by 45%.
As seen from the images below, seatbelts decrease both force and g’s applied on their user during a collision, decreasing the strain put on their bodies.
Definition= a safety device fitted inside a road vehicle, consisting of a cushion designed to inflate rapidly and protect passengers from impact in the
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “in 2015, seat belt use in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 13,941 lives” (1). The NHTSA goes on to say that almost 30 million Americans still don’t use seat belts on a daily basis. Since vehicle accidents are among the leading causes of death in the United States and even the world, the argument to improve seat belt technology has increased dramatically. Researchers are often more concerned with whether or not people are wearing their seat belts, not the effectiveness of them, until now, although both are incredibly important. Seat belt safety, which is directly related to seat belt technology, has been shown to be increasingly ineffective because of the high severity
According to NHTSA, 13,941 lives were saved by seat belts in 2015 while an additional 2,814 could have been saved if properly restrained (2017). One impact of seat belt usage is reducing the risk serious or fatal injuries by about half. The CDC reported in 2009, 53% of occupants killed in crashes in the U.S. were not wearing seat belts (2014). According to data collected in 2008 by NHTSA, seat belts have saved an estimated 225,000 lives (2009). The benefit of wearing a seat belt can help increase chances of surviving a crash with little or no
Every day, thousands of individuals fall victim to motor vehicle accidents and obtain serious injuries. But in regards to innovations such as seat belts and airbags, this number has decreased. Safety innovations have changed throughout history. In the 1930’s, individuals were required to wear safety glasses in their vehicles, in the late 1950’s, occupants were allowed to choose whether they wanted headrests on the front seats, which we know understand to be a crucial part of a car as it prevents whiplash. More recently there have been new innovations such as tire pressure monitors and traction control which further contributes to reducing the number of roadside accidents. However, it is clear that there is still a large area for improvement.
Among drivers and front-seat passengers, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45%, and cut the risk of serious injury by 50%. Seat belts prevent drivers and passengers from being ejected during a crash. " There are many more valid reasons to always wear your seat belt than to not wear it. When asking some adults in my family if they require passengers to wear their seat belt, they all said yes.
A lot of people are against wearing seat belts even though it is against the law not to wear them. Some people are against them because they believe that they can hurt you in certain instances. Moreover, to an instance where the occupants hits something with an extreme force causing cardiac arrest or chest injuries. Others argue that the belt may not work properly during a crash and could possible end up ejecting the occupant from the vehicle, likely killing them. Nevertheless there are people who say that the locking of the belt could kill them in the circumstance that they swerve into a river with the belt locking them in. Another argument people have theories about is that seat belts make people drive more recklessly. The driver may feel
Some people believe that airbags make seat belts unnecessary. They argue that seat belts are pointless because an airbag will cushion one's impact with the steering wheel or dashboard. Although convenient to believe, this isn't true. Air bags are designed to supplement seat belts and are not a substitute for them. Seat belts are restraint devices that keep the person in position during a crash while airbags are a cushion for the face. Specifically, they are meant to cushion the face of a seat belted person. More details on this distinction are discussed next.
One of them being if a crash occurs, it will reduce the probability of death and severity of injustices. Seat belts also improve behavior and reduce driver distractions. The NHSTA states that seat belts have no value in most of fatal accidents. That there is no guarantee that once installed students will use them. They also state that ONLY six passengers die each year in school bus crashes. That doesn’t seem like a big number. Unless you are the parent to one of those six children. (School Bus
The job of a seatbelt is to stop you moving with the car. A crash which stops the car and the driver must take away all its kinetic energy. The work-energy distance then decreases the impact force. For instance, if the force on a 70 kilogram driver, the force is about 4800. A moderate amount of stretch in the seatbelt will reduce the impact
Wearing a seatbelt is such a simple thing that can prevent many injuries. Wearing a seat belt keeps you inside of the car, not wearing a seatbelt can result in being launched through the windshield (VD). Being restrained spreads out the force of the accident,
I have been on several car accidents that could have taken my life away if I had not put that seatbelt on. Seatbelts should be on every vehicle to provide protections to its drivers and its passengers. Car manufacturers should enforce the use of a seatbelt. How does a seatbelt provide protection? A seatbelt can be specifically helpful on a high speed crash.
As the fatalities and injuries continue to rise in traffic accidents, the use of the seat belt has proven to be one of the safer crash innovations that contribute to reduction in fatality rates (Abbas, 2011). It reduces the severity of injury by restraining the passengers and prevents them from hitting objects or being ejected from the vehicle. In the event of an accident, the seat belt acts to scatter kinetic energy of the body that is released on rapid deceleration, dissipating the energy through the body
In today’s world, there is a constant debate on whether or not it should be illegal to not wear a seatbelt. Some of the population claim it does as much harm wearing one in an accident, just as much as not wearing one at all. The main common factors for not wearing a seatbelt that leads to fatalities are, ejection, airbags, and other drivers themselves.
For the people who use the excuse that "They are just going around the corner" should realize that 80% of traffic fatalities occur within a 25-mile radius of your home and at a speed of 40 miles an hour. Buckling up to drive around the block is probably the best time to do so. Everyone knows that car crashes can cause death; yet because people do not buckle up all the time thousands of people still die in traffic crashes yearly. Seatbelts can save your life in a crash and can reduce your risk of a serious injury. Seat belts keep drivers and passengers from being ejected through windows or doors. This is important because your chances of being killed are five times greater if you are thrown from the vehicle. Thousands of people who die in car crashes each year might still be alive today if they had only been wearing their seat belts.
A seat belt, also known as a safety belt. It is a vehicle safety device designed to secure the
Along with accidents not only comes a little headache or a broken bone, but injuries that stay with you forever such as whiplash and brain damage. Most brain damage incidents occur when you are involved in a side impact collision and the side of your head hits the glass (brain injury). Side impact airbags are just one of the many ways in which this type of life threatening injury can be avoided (whiplash). There is also whiplash, which hurls your head violently, and usually results in long term disability. Since whiplash is so hard to avoid, it can only be avoided by reducing the number of accidents on the streets. Also one of the most painful and most traumatizing injuries that we encounter in accidents are bone fractures, which occur in 65% of all accidents (Bush 11). So in turn by making these cars safer we can all avoid these painful, traumatizing, life-threatening injuries.