
A New Charter School Area

Decent Essays

As a new charter school located in a vibrant neighborhood in Wilmington, our school has worked directly with neighbors, community groups, local nonprofit organizations and local elected and government leaders to establish a good relationship and prepare the way for our students and families to benefit from our neighborhood and location. The Brandywine neighborhood where our school is located is in the center of downtown Wilmington, easily accessible to many local businesses and government agencies, and area neighborhoods, by foot and by public transportation. We have worked extensively with local community groups, agencies and organizations to ensure that the relationship between our school and the community is mutually beneficial. When …show more content…

We will begin the 21st C CLC with several formal partnerships with high quality local community businesses and nonprofit organizations, including Robots and Mentors, LLC., Junior Achievement of Delaware, The Summer Collaborative, FRONTIER 21 Education Solutions, The Delaware Contemporary museum, and FLYOGI, LLC. Each of the partners will provide at least one member of their organization to sit on our Advisory Board, along with parents, students, teachers and administrators of Freire CS Wilmington. All of those partners, along with school staff, parents and students, have helped to create this vision for our 21st C CLC program, and will continue to guide the program as it grows and adds more partners and resources. The partners will meet at least quarterly each year of the program to set policy and review staffing and personnel issues, led by the Program Director. The terms of each partnership agreement are identified in detail, along with the costs associated and elements of the program provided by each, in the signed MOUs attached to this grant application. As new partners join the program, their MOUs will be submitted to the DE DoE as addenda to this application.

Partner contributions and connections to community members and organizations will be evaluated in quarterly meetings

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