
A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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Over four-hundred years ago, love was not easy. Today, it still is not easy. Love has never been easy for many reasons. Some are that people fight or argue, people catch and lose feelings fairly easily, and other people get involved.
Usually, people in relationships argue. In the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, this is shown in many ways. One example is how Titania and Oberon fought over the Indian boy.
Oberon wanted him and Titania was being selfish. He said, “. . . I do but beg a little changeling boy, to be my henchman.” Titania responded, “Set your heart at rest. The fairy land buys not the child of me.” After this, they argued and insulted each other (Shakespeare 2.1.40-160). People today argue about all kinds of things. For example, married people may …show more content…

Another example is that people may argue over a lack of trust. People in relationships argue, but real relationships move past it.
People catch and lose feelings rather fast. Lysander said, “I had no judgement when to her I swore” (Shakespeare 3.2.136). One day, Lysander was deeply in love with Hermia. The next, he was not and regretted all of the promises he had made to her. An example of this today is how people are either dating or married for long periods of time, then either don’t feel the same about that person anymore or aren’t happy with them anymore. An example of this is a divorce.
Divorces are common. People think they are mutually in love with another person, but sometimes, they are wrong.
Other people can get in the way of love. For example, in the play, Puck put a spell on
Lysander, thinking he was fixing the relationship (Shakespeare 2.2.55-60). Puck almost ruined their relationship by getting involved. Today, other people may get jealous and try to intentionally ruin someone else’s relationship. They may tell lies, for instance. Another example is that maybe, people think they’re helping a relationship by trying to get in the middle

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