
A Good Man Is Hard To Find Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Flannery O’Conner’s, “A Good Man is Hard to Find” brings a new name most closely associated with a southern gothic style of fiction and often the American south. The old woman is one of the main characters in her stories, even if she has no lines and does not play a direct role. Throughout the story the images of the south are frequent and quite interesting, while we hear the grandmother constantly talking about the good old days of the plantation south. This sickening understanding to almost every stereotype of the old South that the grandmother represents is just part of what makes her the grotesque character that she is. She only wishes to live in the past and refuses to move on forward from that. Along with her past tendencies she also questions religion a few times once the criminal, The Misfit, comes into play. Her forgiveness for being a devoutness to Christ, even considering everything her family has to go through, truly shows how far someone could go to save them self. O’Conner creates a character that is not …show more content…

The grandmother is a representative of devoutness and Christianity. At one point the Misfit announces that he has given himself to Christ already, in that they both were punished for crimes they have not committed. Looking back when the Misfit comes back wearing Baileys shirt, the Grandmother realizes that to be truly Christ like, she is going to have to forgive the Misfit and accept him as a child of God. This did not favor the Grandmother however. In the eyes of the Misfit, his lesson was that by killing the grandmother, he helped her find God and also realized that he does have a purpose in the world, that he will have to answer to a higher power sooner or later. O’Connor seems extremely concerned with her values and the direction of the youth of the grandmother’s time. She believed that Christ was no longer enough of a priority to the people of her

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