
Comparing Religion In James Joyce's Dubliners And Flannery O Connor

Decent Essays

Religion is an ongoing debate around the world. It can determine one moral and beliefs. The authors, James Joyce and Flannery O’Connor have different perspectives on one particular religion, Catholicism. In which, they demonstrate this in their publications; in James Joyce’s, Dubliners and Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to Find. Moreover, the reader can infer within these texts that the authors’ both have opposing views on the religion. O’Connor Ushers the audience towards god and James Joyce exposes the church’s faults through symbolism. James Joyce exposes the upsetting faults of what is supposed to be “good.” The church is supposed to give a person morals and allow one to live their lives in hope for salvation. But, In James Joyce’s …show more content…

Instead of rejecting Catholicism she embraces it and projects it on her readers. Flannery O’Connor she accepts that there are faults within the church but, there are faults in everything. O’Connor sought out to correct these problems and not abandon the church. She states, I find it in myself and I don’t dislike it any less. One reason Guardini is a relief to read is that he has nothing of it. With a few exceptions the American clergy, when it takes to the pen, brings this particular sin with it in full force.” (Flannery O’Connor’s Religious Vioson)Yet, throughout her texts she refers to the church as the entity of life itself. Without the church a soul is lost and is headed down the wrong path on the way to hell. She wants a way to correct what she believes is on the brink of perfection. In the short story, “The Life You Save May Be Your Own,” One of the characters, Tom Shiftlet is modeled after Waldo Emerson who is one of the founders of transnationalism. He rejected catholic culture. She believed that he was one of the reasons religion began to evaporate in America. In the short story, When Tom arrives at Mrs. Crater’s farm, she is blinded by the sun and has to use her hand to cover it in order to see Tom. The sun represents the eye of God. This shows that Tom was given a chance to redeem himself by the grace of Mrs. Crater’s generosity. Tom did not accept that grace, therefore at the end of the story, “A Cloud descended over the sun, and another, worse looking, crouched behind the car. Mr. Shiftlet felt the rottenness of the work about to engulf him”(67). He is detached from the eye of God by a gray cloud demonstrating that God is indifferent towards him and rejects Tom’s decisions and ways. Flannery O’Connor always has a message of god hidden throughout her stories. Therefore, pressing her readers to follow the “right” path. The reader sees this again in the short story, “Good Country People” The Bible Salesman’s

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