
A Doll's House Essay

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Henrik Ibsen, who crafted A Doll’s House for over a year before it was finally complete assured himself that the play lived up to its full potential. The story is portrayed through the genre of a drama. This was crucial because being a play allowed A Doll’s House to become a classic as it is known as today. If the story would not have been a play it would have lost most of the essence which allowed it to become such a recognized work of literature as we know it today. Furthermore, Ibsen’s main genre of writing was poetry. This allowed him to add an extra layer of genius into the content of A Doll’s House. Ibsen demonstrates that via choice in genre, as well as in writing style, that when miscommunication occurs, expressions are the only way …show more content…

In this instance, Nora had lie to Torvald in order to attempt to cover up her ordeal with Krogstad. Torvald then proceeds to treat Nora like a child as if she is not able to keep a straightforward conversation with him. This proves the respect that they had in the relationship, Nora could not stay truthful to Torvald with something as trivial as a simple visit, additionally, Torvald did not show Nora the respect which she deserves. He did not only demoralize her with pet names, but he shook his finger at her. Similar to what a father does to a child when they are being reprimanded for doing something wrong. This is Ibsen’s way of demonstrating how Torvald’s actions add to the meaning of his words, making it clear for the reader to understand the essence of the relationship between Torvald and Nora. Apart from the fact that stage directions allow for further understanding of the text and the characters, Ibsen’s word choice and writing style which includes a background in poetry allows for A Doll’s House to be a more complex …show more content…

This is due to the fact that although it is part of a conventional conversation it has plenty of more meaning to it. In this event, Nora comes to the realization that there is no such thing as poetic justice in the real world, Nora prided herself upon the fact that she had done a heartfelt deed for her husband and that for this she will receive love and admiration for it. Except, the opposite happens, Torvald shunned her for her actions by saying, “ You talk like a child. You don’t understand the conditions of the world in which you live.” This is where Nora realizes that she is unfamiliar with how events pan out in the real world, the harshness of reality and of society finally hits her. Thus concluding Nora’s ascension from a doll to an independent person who is fully aware of her surroundings and the consequences of one’s actions. By achieving this, Ibsen successfully compares imagination and reality. With a work that reads like a poem, with hidden messages and symbols includes analysis, which is the final aspect which Ibsen incorporated into the understanding of A Doll’s House

Ibsen’s background in poetry allows him to incorporate the most important aspect of poetry into his story: Analysis. This is another key element that assists A Doll’s House to be considered a timeless, universal and classic work of literature. Ibsen implies many different ideas throughout the text and that allows for the text to

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