
A Brief Note On Floods And Its Effects On Soil Conditions

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1. Definition
2. Occurrence of Landslides
3. Causes of Landslide 3.1. natural causes 3.2. anthropogenic causes
4. Types of Landslides 4.1. slides 4.2. falls 4.3. Topple 4.4. flows 4.5. lateral spread
5. Effects
6. Evaluation of Landslides
7. Prevention and remediation of landslides
8. Conclusion

Landslide is the general term used to describe the down slope movement of soil, rock, and other earth materials under the effects of gravity and also the landform that results from such movement.

2.Occurrence of Landslides. Landslides can occur virtually anywhere in the world, where climate, precipitation, bedrock and soil conditions and slopes are susceptible to failure. Landslides can occur under water too, along continental slopes and deep sea fans. Landslide can occur in bedrock or on soils; agricultural lands, barren slopes and forests. Both extremely dry areas and very humid areas can be affected by slope failures. Thus, steep slopes are not a necessary prerequisite for landslides to occur. In some cases, gentle slopes as shallow as 1–2 degrees have been observed to fail. However steep slopes are more prone to landslides. So, majority of land slides are associated with hilly and mountainous areas. They also commonly occur along steeply sloping coastlines and river valleys.

3.Causes of Landslides: Often more than one factor contributes to landslides that include geology

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