
A Brief Note On Damages And Its Effects On Society

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DAMAGES DAMAGES POTENTIALLY OWED TO THE STUDENT IF THE TEACHER IS HELD LIABLE Damages may be a direct and immediate harm, such as physical injury. General Damages are damages for “pain and suffering.” Special Damages are damages for which you can show a receipt such as medical bills, repair bills, and lost wages. “The money a tort-feasor must pay to compensate the accuser for the harm the accuser has sustained is called damages. Factors for which money damages are awarded for in a tort case include property damage, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.”[3] Intervention of Proximate Cause TEACHER will argue that STUDENT’S OMISSION to report the injury was an INTERVENING ACT/OMISSION between the ACTUAL CAUSE and the PROXIMATE CAUSES. Therefore, there was no continuous event connection, caused by TEACHER, between the injury and the infection. Hence TEACHER is NOT the PROXIMATE CAUSE of the INFECTION of the INJURY. So, TEACHER is not LIABLE FOR Damages happening due to this INTERVENING ACT/OMISSION by STUDENT. Mitigation of Damages Damages are awarded for only the portion of the injuries which the defendant tried but could not mitigate. Here TEACHER WILL ARGUE that STUDENT and STUDENT’S PARENTS should have FORESEEN the need for IMMEDIATE MEDICAL CARE for the STUDENT to MITIGATE the DAMAGES. Punitive Damages Punitive damages are about “how the damages occurred” and not about the amount or type of damages that occurred.” “If the negligent

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