
80's Presidents

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During the 80’s, three presidents served in office. Jimmy Carter’s last year was 1981. After him was a very popular president, Ronald Reagan, who was in office for two terms. Once Reagan’s administration was finished, George H. W. Bush was the next president. A popular war occurred during the 80’s, the Cold War. During the battle between the Soviet Union and United Nations, a barrier was created on the border between West and East Germany, known as the Berlin Wall. This wall was a huge disaster which was finally torn down thanks to a famous speech made by Ronald Reagan. The “Tear Down This Wall” speech was aimed towards Gorbachev, who was the last dictator of the Soviet Union. Eventually, the Berlin Wall was torn down and families were reunited. Putting aside Ronald Reagan, there were other political leaders as well. For example, the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher. This woman leads the conservative party in Britain. Thatcher wanted citizen owned companies …show more content…

In this decade, they would use words or phrases such as gnarly, tubular, Grody, rad, bogus, gag me with a spoon, or bite me. The American diet was a sloppy joe, Jell-O pudding pops, Lean Cuisines, Doritos, jawbreakers, Tri-color pasta salad, Capri Sun, and fruit snacks. The clothing in this decade for the women consists of shoulder pads, leg warmers, huge earrings, and bright colors. The hairstyles were half-ponies, crimped or permed, teased hair, a side high pony, or some hair pulled back with ribbon barrettes. Scrunchies were also a big accessory to go along with the big hair, too. Popular clothing in the 1980’s for men was mainly just leather jackets, worn out jeans, and sneakers. The main hairstyle is long hair, such as a mullet. Also, a big part of the 80’s included many Americans developing HIV and/or AIDS. These were severe diseases which could spread and kill quickly, especially if not

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