
5 Analytical Moves

Decent Essays

The five analytical moves are essentially a necessary part of writing an analytical paper that aids in forming the entire paper. The first of the five analytical moves is one that is extremely crucial to writing and is necessary to do even before the writing process begins. Many people have a tendency to judge everything before they can understand what it is they are truly judging (54). According to the article, judging before having a clear understanding shuts down the ability to think (54). Without the ability to think enough without a clear and distinct understanding, your writings will not be as well-written as they could potentially be. The key to a well-written paper is to completely understand the subject that is being analyzed before …show more content…

The method offers a means for discovering significant patterns and repetitions throughout writings (59). While revealing significant patterns and repetitions, organizing that information throughout the writing is as equal importance. Connecting patterns and observations helps the reader develop a complete understanding of the subject. Throughout the article, specific examples are given as to help the reader understand what this move is about such as comparing repetition to playing in a symphony and referencing writings by William Shakespeare. Making the implicit explicit is considered move four. This move, along with the next move, helps push towards asking yourself the question, “So what?” (62). The final move, move 5, is a major component of this article, as it is the final move. The article goes on to explain that an analysis writing requires a lot of experimenting and observing (65). While experimenting, formulating questions and explanations is valuable in the sense that you are not only making assumptions, but learning as you experiment. Move five is about finding details and patterns while breaking them down by fitting other details together as well as deciphering which details don’t

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