
3 Mentos: Creating The Tallest Candle Geyser

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After completing the experiment, I accept and support my hypothesis which was that 3 Mentos would create the tallest soda geyser. The average height of 1 Mento was 24.7 inches, 2 Mentos was 51.7 inches, and 3 Mentos created the tallest geyser averaging at 58.7 inches. It is clear that the 3 mento geyser is the tallest geyser due to the greater amount of Mentos. In this experiment there were many sources of error. The first one was that the experiment was being done on a uneven surfaces causing the geysers to shoot left or right instead of straight up causing the geysers to not reach their true height. Another error was that when dropping in the Mentos, they were not evenly spaced times causing different reactions and different heights. An additional

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