1) Evaluate the terms of the proposed $900 million financing from the perspective of both parties. How would you calculate the return to investors in this transaction? If you need more information, what information do you need? 2
Q2) What is the purpose of each of the terms of the proposed financing 3
Q3) Conduct an analysis of Williams’ sources and uses of funds during the first half of 2002. How do you expect these numbers to evolve over the second half of 2002? What is the problem facing Williams? How did it get into this situation? How has it tried to address the problem it is facing? 3
Q4)Some might describe Williams as “financially distressed.” What evidence is there that Williams’ business may be compromised as a result
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Default provisions are always required to make sure the amount invested is recovered fully.
Q3) Conduct an analysis of Williams’ sources and uses of funds during the first half of 2002. How do you expect these numbers to evolve over the second half of 2002? What is the problem facing Williams? How did it get into this situation? How has it tried to address the problem it is facing?
Reasons for financial distress and problems Williams is facing
a) Write-off of investment in WCG
During the Tech Bubble, the whole telecom market that WCG was involved in suffered a lot of problems due mainly to a large oversupply, as indicated by an estimated 2% to 5% of the fiber- optic lines which were only carrying traffic. The revenue of WCG eventually plummeted, wherein prices of the lines decreased by more than 90% from 1998 and 2002.
In July 2002, the telecommunications sector was experiencing a lot of problems. WCG itself also began to experience a lot of financial stress, and in hopes of supporting it, Williams converted notes to shares, providing “credit support” of $1.4 billion of WCG’s debt (which Williams listed as an off-balance sheet item). In the end, Williams took a one-time accounting charge of $1.3 billion of guarantees and payment obligations. The problems with WCG ended up affecting Williams as well, causing Williams’ net income after extraordinary items to plummet.
b) Unforeseeable market conditions for energy trading
Because of the collapse
4. Should Lincoln go ahead with its investment in Indonesia? If so, what should be its entry strategy with respect to partnerships? Which compensation option would you recommend to Mike Gillespie as he considers the advisability of implementing the company’s incentive management system?
1) Describe briefly Robertson’s business and the key factors to succeed in it. How well is Robertson doing from an operational standpoint? What KPIs should one consider?
9. You want to purchase a business with the following cash flows. How much would you pay for this business today assuming you needed a 14% return to make this deal?
B) How well has Berkshire Hathaway performed? In the aggregate? In its investment in Scott & Fetzer? In its investments in earlier purchases of GEICO stock? In its investments in convertible preferred securities?
3. Conduct an analysis of Williams’ sources and uses of funds during the first half of 2002. How do you expect these numbers to evolve over the second half of 2002? What is the problem facing Williams? How did it get into this situation? How has it tried to address the problem it is facing?
In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of capital investment techniques by evaluating the following three case studies.
1. Using the excel spreadsheet provided, and the recommended consequential disclosures as a basis you your analysis, what recommendations would you give Phillips on each of the items listed below? In each case, justify your recommendations and estimate how much the decision will change the “true” value of the company and its value in the eyes of an investor in a private company.
In 2001, the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Williams Company was in financial distress. The primarily energy-industry company was struggling with a shrinking energy trading market, which was marked by distressed entities such as Enron’s broadband unit and Global Crossing. Williams also suffered internally with a floundering telecommunications division and a plummeting stock price. These issues led credit rating agencies Moody’s and
Q2) Assess the various alternatives at the current stage of Massey’s difficulties. What options are available for alleviating Massey’s financial problems?
1. Please conduct a financial ratio analysis using the data in Exhibit 2. How do the results reflect different strategies pursued by the 4 firms?
Q3. Do you agree with Mr. Clarkson’s estimation of the company loan requirements? How much will he need to finance the expected expansion in sales to $ 5.5 Mil. In 1996 and to take all trade discounts?
Prepare common-sized financial statements for Leslie Fay for the period 1987–1991. For that same period, compute for Leslie Fay the ratios shown in Exhibit 2. Given these data, which financial statement items do you believe should have been of particular interest to BDO Seidman during that firm’s 1991 audit of Leslie Fay? Explain.