
1763 Summary

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In 1763, the king's grandson, George lll, became the king. The French and Indian War had been very costly and the new king thought it was only fair that the colonists pay for the war expenses. In order to do this, on March 22, 1765, he put a tax on stamps. In the colonies stamps were suddenly needed for all kinds of paper goods and documents. Wills, contracts, college diplomas, marriage licenses, newspaper, playing cards and many other paper goods were all invalid without a stamp. This was called the Stamp Act. Even though stamps didn’t cost much, colonists were enraged. The colonists were angry because usually, the local government made taxes. The men in the local government were elected by the colonists though. However, the Parliament …show more content…

Now, because all the colonist were angry at the taxes, the colonies were united for the first time. After an event called the Boston Tea Party, which was a major protest against the tax, England closed the Boston Harbor, the local government was shut down and British soldiers moved in. Still, Boston refused to pay for the they spoiled during the Boston tea party. Other colonist like Washington supported Boston.
That summer, 12 of the colonies had a meeting. It took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There were representatives from all the colonies except georgia because Georgia had decided not to come. Washington was one of the six men who are representatives for Virginia. Nobody talked about becoming separate from England during the meeting because most colonists hoped that the situation will get better. This was called the Continental Congress.
The Second Continental Congress was on May 1775. By then the mood had changed . Fights broke out between Americans and Redcoats, sometimes colonists died. Because of this many colonists wanted independence from England. These colonists were called Patriots. The Continental Congress began preparations. On June 1775, Washington took charge of the new Continental

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