
John Hancock Research Paper

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Have you ever heard of the American Revolutionary War? The Revolutionary War started in the colonies after the Sugar Act (1764), the Stamp Act (1765), the Townshend Acts (1767) and the Tea Act (1773). The revolutionary war started because the colonies were tired of being taxed by the British Government. The colonists were not being represented in Parliament so they told the British Government that they were being taxed without being represented, (“no taxation without representation”), which the colonists did not like.

Though, what really caused the war? The colonists could not take one more day of being taxed. And what were the events that led the colonists’ to reach their boiling point and rebel at the British Government? Here’s …show more content…

Obviously not. But money was extremely important for one of our Founding Fathers. It was John Hancock. John Hancock was born on January 23, 1737 in Braintree, Massachusetts. His mother’s name was Mary Hawke and his father’s name was John Hancock. When Hancock was 9, sadly, his father died. Hancock’s mother felt that she could not raise him on her own. So Hancock was sent to live with his wealthy, but childless, uncle and aunt. John hancock was educated at Harvard College. At the time when Hancock was 27 years old, his uncle died leaving John Hancock the House of Hancock and his uncle’s shipping business. Over the years Hancock made a fortune from his uncle’s business and became one of the richest men in …show more content…

This was a meeting of delegates from colonies to discuss what to do about the British. This first congress, decided on two actions. The adoption of: Declaration and Resolves: expressing their discontent. The second action was to stop trading with the British. As this was going on, the British heard that John Hancock and Samuel Adams were both hiding in Lexington and they were also hiding lots of gunpowder in Concord. The British sent troops which led to the battle of Lexington and Concord. This was a turning point. Hundreds of soldiers died on both sides. The reality of the battle sent a message that there was no going back and in 1775, the Second Continental Congress presided by John Hancock declared war against Britain. John Hancock named George Washington Supreme Commander and as Washington fought on the battlefield Hancock worked on creating the vision for a new country. As president of the Second Congress Hancock asked some of the members to write the, soon to be, Declaration of Independence which was finalized and adopted on July 4, 1776. Hancock was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence and his signature is by far the

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