
1 Malathion Research Paper

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1Malathion is a broad-spectrum insecticide used in both agricultural and residential setting to help control outdoor insects. In this short presentation I will go over some facts about malathion and hopefully show everyone here why we should use it to help contain the mosquito problem we are facing and the subsequence west nile virus outbreak that could result. Most of the information contained herein was gathered from the NPIC’s malathion technical fact sheet and can be researched further there (, 2009). Moving forward let’s begin by Identifying some of the hazards involved with using this product and the circumstances therein.
2In non-target organisms such as humans there can be some adverse effects including abdominal cramps, diarrhea, excessive perspiration, lacrimation, salivation, constriction of the pupils, nausea, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and vomiting. 3Exposure can also result in blood pressure changes with either rapid or decreased heart rate and can also include headache, confusion, insomnia, decreased rate or depth of respiration, coma, and convulsions when effecting the central nervous system’s cholinergic neurons. Now these health problems are different depending on the exposure level to malathion.
1At a low dose, five subjects ingested malathion at up to 16 mg/day or 0.23 …show more content…

1The risk based upon a study of a two-year rat diet showed that malathion has a chronic minimum risk level of 0.02 mg/kg/day. One of the highest risks to malathion exposure in large amounts is some humans may develop Intermediate Syndrome which typically starts showing around 24-96 hours after initial exposure. Other than the previously mentioned risks it would seem that malathion is relatively safe to use on the mosquitos we are dealing with as a whole in our

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