
Hazard of Malathion

Decent Essays

Hazard identification

Malathion is an insecticide that is used primarily on crops to control insects. Malathion brakes down quickly when exposed to the elements like soil, water, and sunlight. Normally people are not exposed to this insecticide unless they are in the vicinity of the area that is being sprayed. Then the risk will be the spray that is in the air, or on surfaces that have been touched. (

Malathion affects how the brain and the nervous system work and exposure to excessive amounts can cause difficulty breathing, tightness of chest, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, headaches, dizziness, los of consciousness, and death. However if treatment is administered quickly Malathion has …show more content…

Maximum amount would be 8 ounces per acre plus the delivery agent that it is delivered to the mosquitoes in. The river and surrounding marshlands can be sprayed once and then sprayed as needed to eliminate the problem areas that surface. ( The economic aspects of spraying Malathion for mosquito control would be; that in an aerial application it is very expensive with the use of airplanes, or the helicopters for the delivery. This will also be an annual expense with the mosquitoes returning another year.


Retrieved may 26, 2008 from

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