
1 Corinthians 12 Research Paper

Decent Essays

This discourse causes one to think of collaboration, and true union with each other. In the body analogy, we see how every part is important; we rely on each other’s gifts. The parts of the body do not try to cut one another off, rather, there is a necessity of each part. In 1 Corinthians 12, we can see how Christ is the head and all the parts cooperate in accordance with him. What we can gather from this is that it is Christ is at our center. Since Christ is the head, he knows of our gifts. Keeping this in mind, we can recall the verse: “But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended.” This can help one think about the importance of intentionality of communication and collaboration. In staying true to our faith, we should strive to be aware of each our special qualities and characteristics. In doing so, we can be more likely to be understanding of others. It teaches us to be more …show more content…

Two modes of communication that come to mind right away in regards to this past year are communication in person and via e-mail. For contacting a person directly, there are mostly pros, you can know where the other person is, you can most likely receive a response in an efficient manner, and you can hold the person accountable. The pros of communicating a person directly are that you can catch them off guard, and you may not have the same schedule so it is difficult to track them down. In contacting a person, initially via email could be beneficial, because it can give the coworker enough time to think about your request or comment, they can check it on their own time, and it opens up opportunity for further conversation, which can lead to a personal conversation. Cons of contacting individuals via email is that you may be misunderstood, the recipient may never get it, or it could put up boundaries that you did not intend to

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