DAD 220 Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Dylan Roscioli (REVISED)



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Mechanical Engineering


Dec 6, 2023





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DAD 220 Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Template Complete these steps as you work through the directions for this activity. Replace the bracketed text with your screenshots and brief explanations of the work they capture. Each screenshot and its explanation should be sized to approximately one quarter of the page, with the description written below the screenshot. Follow these rules for each of the prompts and questions below. Review the example document for assistance. Follow Steps 1 through 4 from the Module Three Major Activity only to generate tables for this assignment. 1. Import the data from each file into tables. A. Use the import utility of your database program to load the data from each file into the table of the same name. You’ll perform this step three times, once for each table. B. Provide the SQL commands you ran against MySQL to complete this successfully in your answer. Above are the commands used to enter the .csv files into the already established tables I had. The FIELDS TERMINATED and LINES TERMINATED BY statements both give the tool the guidelines for how it input the data, making sure two values or more don’t end up in one column.
Above I used the SELECT COUNT() statement with each tables primary key in order to pull the total amount of records in each table without having duplicates because of using the primary key. 2. Write basic queries against imported tables to organize and analyze targeted data . 3. For each query, include a screenshot of the query and its output. You should also include a 1- to 3-sentence description of the output. A. Write an SQL query that returns the count of orders for customers located only in the city of Framingham, Massachusetts. i. How many records were returned?
I got 505 records using the SELECT COUNT clause I was able to just be returned a total number rather than all 505 rows of data. From there I just put the WHERE clause to narrow my results to the city and state that I wanted results for. B. Write an SQL query to select all of the customers located in the state of Massachusetts. i. Use a WHERE clause to limit the number of records in the Customers table to Record an answer to the following question: How many records were returned? I got 982 records here using the same clause from before, but instead of specifying the city I only did the state to get me everyone in that state. C. Write an SQL query to insert four new records into the Orders and Customers tables using the following data:
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