


Capella University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Running head: PROMOTION: DRIVING SALES 1 Promotion: Driving Sales Stephanie Ferguson Capella University November 26, 2022
PROMOTION: DRIVING SALES 2 Marketing Models A marketing model is used businesses to understand the strengths and potential weaknesses of their company and their product to help created a defined strategy and predict outcomes(Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). There are many recognized marketing models: SWOT analysis, 7-p’s, STP, Porter’s five forces, McKinsey 7-s, SOSTAC, BCG matrix and the Ansoff matrix are a few of the more prominent ones. Each of these models have different focuses but all are designed to achieve the same result of a cohesive and effective plan to market a business and its products. Marketing Strategy – Targeting, Segmentation, and Positioning By employing a targeting strategy Cros Inc. has been able to gain a larger market share by diversifying they styles of shoes and accessories they offer based on what is likely to attract different groups of consumers to the brand. Crocs Inc. also uses segmentation as part of their marketing strategy. Aspects such as income, age and location of consumers are analyzed to target advertising and to maintain a focus on keeping up with latest trends and meeting the needs of those most likely to purchase their products. Finally, by using a value based positioning strategy Crocs has been able to market itself as a brand that offers quality, well-designed footwear that casual but also allows its costumers to express their own style at reasonable price. However, which Crocs has has diversified styles to expand their market share they have also maintained their focus, on their proprietary construction material within those variations in style and focused on accessories that enhance the consumer ability to customize those available designs to their own style. This strategy has resulted in strong sales and future predictions. Crocs has recorded record growth and revenues with sales surging as much as 60% in some quarters,
PROMOTION: DRIVING SALES 3 and the company has repeated adjusted growth predictions upwards from 20% up to as much as 55% over the previous year(Kavilanz, 2021). The global market is highly competitive, and Crocs are competing with brands on the global market such as Nike, Sketchers and Steve Madden. Factors that have to be considered by companies to maintain a competitive edge are product design, maintaining quality, keeping the price point accessible to the target market and customer support. Crocs Inc. has three different geographical segments: America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. With just over 30% of Crocs revenue coming from markets outside of the American market, the strategy towards globalization has become a great success(Statista, 2022). Social Media and Celebrities Utilizing a strategy of integrated marketing to create the celebrity focused “Come as you are” campaign, across all platforms and on TV, has proven to be a strong move in today’s market. The campaign launched in 2017 and the buzz has only grown since then, really reaching targeted consumers beginning in 2019. Partnerships with Drew Barrymore and Post Malone sold out almost immediately. Other collaborations have been equally successful in boosting the brand and increasing sales, such as those with Justin Bieber and internationally with Priyanka Chopra and Latin pop star Bad Bunny(Roberts, 2021). Crocs has further capitalized on globalization of the brand by collaborating with british actress Natalie Dormer, Chinese actress Gina Jin, South Korean actress and girl-band member Kim Se-Jeong and Japanese actress Suzu Hirose. The company has over ten million followers across various platforms from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The Crocs snapchat filter was used over 4 million times in the first week it was available. The #crocs on tiktok has over 6.1 billion views. Having an integrated
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