OER Lab 5B- Iodine - Clock Reaction-2



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Jan 9, 2024





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CHEM 1412 Lab 5 1 Kinetics Measuring the Rate of a Chemical Reaction Please Watch This Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdXamAGRHe4 Objectives: List factors that affect reaction rate. Be able to plot data to determine rate of the reaction. Determine the rate order for each reactant and the rate constant for the reaction. Determine the overall order of the reaction. Write the rate law of the reaction. Reagents: 1. 0.01 M KI 2. 0001 M Na 2 S 2 O 3 3. 0.04 M KBrO 3 4. 0.10 M HCl 5. Distilled water 6. 1% starch Equipment and Materials: 10.0 mL graduated cylinders (5) or pipettes w/extractor. 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks (2) 250 mL beakers (2) One 50mL beaker Disposable dropper Digital timer or stopwatch Label tape Safety: Take caution when handling all reagents, particularly iodine, potassium bromate, and hydrochloric acid. Wearing gloves is highly recommended. Rinse and wash any skin that comes in contact with the reagents. Waste Disposal: All reagents should be discarded in the appropriate waste container, particularly for halogenated waste. Consult your lab instructor and dispose as directed in your lab.
CHEM 1412 Lab 5 2 Theoretical Background: Kinetics of a reaction tell us how quickly it is occurring or what the rate of the reaction is proceeding to completion. Rate is defined as; the change in concentration of the reactants (a decline or - rate) per unit of time or the change in concentration of the products (an increase or + rate) per unit of time. For a reaction of A B where A is the reactant and B is the product… Rate is typically a numerical value with units but can also be written as a rate expression as follows: the decline of reactant (A) ???? ?? ? = − ∆[ ? ] / ? the increase of product (B) ???? ?? ? = + ∆[ ? ] / ? When concentration versus time is plotted graphically, the slope of the graph is the rate of the reaction. Typically, units are M/s. Note that a declining rate or slope is denoted with a negative sign while a positive rate or slope is increasing. If a chemical equation contains coefficients, they will affect the rate expression as follows: x A + y B → z C Rate Expression: − 1∆ [ ? ]/ ? ? = − 1∆ [ ? ] / ? ? = + 1 [ ? ]/ ? ? Types of Rates: Instantaneous rate is calculated for one specific data point of time and corresponding concentration; gives a snapshot glimpse of an “instant” in a reaction. Average rate is calculated at a variety of time intervals (and corresponding concentrations) throughout the reaction and gives an overall impression of rate in the reaction. If the data below for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide was graphed, both the average and instantaneous rates could be calculated from the slope depending on the data points selected. Note the table and figure calculated from the slope depending on the data points selected. Note the table and figure below.
CHEM 1412 Lab 5 3 Effectively to find the rate of a reaction, you need to find its slope, or “rise over run.” In equation form, this is; ???? ( ????? )= ( ? 2 ? 1 ) / ( ? 2 ? 1 ) = ∆ ( ??????????𝑖?? [ ? ]) / ?𝑖?? ( ? ) Factors Affecting Rate: Number of collisions: the greater the number of collisions between reactants, the faster they react with one another, and the more rapid the rate. Physical state of reactants: this is based on collisions; homogenous mixtures (solutions) are already in a physical state that favors greater collisions; thus, solutions or aqueous (aq) physical states yield faster rates than pure solids, liquids and gases. Concentration of reactants: the greater the concentration of reactants, the more molecules there are interacting, and probability of collisions increases; thus, the greater the concentration, the faster the rate. Temperature of reactants: generally, higher temperatures increase reaction rates because with increases in temperature come increases in kinetic energy (speed of molecules moving increases) and thus collisions more readily occur. However, it also depends on whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic and if the reaction thrives more with heat or without.
CHEM 1412 Lab 5 4 Catalyst: the presence of a catalyst increases the rate of a reaction by decreasing the activation energy, the minimum amount of energy required for the reaction to proceed. Catalysts create the new pathways or mechanisms for collisions to occur so that they occur earlier at lower energy level s, thus speeding up the reaction. Think of them like a chemical “shortcut.” Enzymes are common biological catalysts, but they can occur in many forms and physical states. Rate Laws: In contrast to the rate expression, the rate law only focuses on the reactants (and not products as well). The coefficients of reactants are also arbitrary. A rate law states the relationship of the rate as proportional to the rate constant, k the concentrations of the reactants in molar units (M) as raised to the power of their reaction order or exponents. See the reaction below and its corresponding rate law. a A + b B → c C + d D ???? ??? = ? [ ? ] ? [ ? ] ? The rate law utilizes orders of reaction, which are the exponents of each reactant concentration. Orders of reaction reflect the exponential relationship that explains how the change in concentration of a reactant can affect the rate. Orders may be zero, first, or second and are mathematically determined from data points of concentration and rate. To do so, pick two data points, ensuring that one reactant amount changes but the other stays constant. That is the only way to determine how the rate is affected only by that reactant. Then determine by what exponential factor the reactant’s concentration cha nge affected the rate as a result. Consider the following reaction: S 2 O 8 2 (aq) + 2I (aq) I 2 (aq) + 2SO 4 2 (aq) peroxydisulfate ion iodide ion iodine sulfate ion EXP # [ S 2 O 8 2 ] [ I ] Rate 1 0.16 0.24 1.10x10 -4 2 0.16 0.48 4.40x10 -4 3 0.32 0.24 2.20x10 -4
CHEM 1412 Lab 5 5 Sample Problem: Calculate the order for S 2 O 8 2 and I using the experimental data. Step 1 : Select two data points for S 2 O 8 2 in which [ S 2 O 8 2 ] is changing while [ I ] remains constant. Only then can you attribute any changes in corresponding rates to be directly because of changing [ S 2 O 8 2 ]. Here we will select Exp 1 and 3 . Note how [ S 2 O 8 2 ] changes while [ I ] remains constant. Step 2 : Write the rate laws for BOTH Exp 1 and 3 . Rate= k [ S 2 O 8 2 ] x [ I ] y Rate 1 : 1.10 x 10 -4 = k [0.16] x [0.24 ] y Rate 3 : 2.20 x 10 -4 = k [0.32] x [0.24 ] y Step 3 : Write the rate laws as ratio of each to determine proportions and thus order of S 2 O 8 2 ???? 3/ ???? 1= ? [ S 2 O 8 2 ] ? [ I ] ? / ? [ S 2 O 8 2 ] ? [ I ] ? (2.20 x 10 4 ) /(1.10 ? 10 4 ) = ? [0.32].[0.24] ? / ? [0.16].[0.24] ? Notice that k, [ I ], and y cancel out leaving you with 2 = 2 ? ? = 1, order of S 2 O 8 2 is 1 or first order . A theoretical interpretation concludes that as [ S 2 O 8 2 ] doubles from 0.16M to 0.32M (and [ I ] remains the same at 0.24M), the rate also doubles (2.20 x10 -4 vs 1.10 x10 -4 M/s). So, this one-to-one exponential relationship is indicative of a first order reaction. Repeat the same for [ I ] using data from Exp 1 and 2 . ???? 2 / ???? 1 = ? [ S 2 O 8 2 ] ? [ 𝐼 ] ? / ? [ S 2 O 8 2 ] ? [ 𝐼 ] ? (4.40 x 10 4 ) /(1.10 ? 10 4 ) = ? [0.16] ? [0.48] ? / ? [0.16] ? [0.24] ? Notice that k, [ S 2 O 8 2 ], and x cancel out leaving you with 4 = 2 ? y = 2, order of I is 2 or second order . The theoretical interpretation notes that as [ I ] doubles from 0.24M to 0.48M and [ S 2 O 8 2 ] remains the same, the rate also quadruples (4.40 x10 -4 vs 1.10 x10 -4 M/s). This means that the effect was exponential to the power of two, indicative of a second order reaction. If there had been no correlation between a change in the reaction rate and a reactant concentration, such that rate was directly attributed to the k, this would indicate a zero-order reaction since any concentration value to the power of zero would be one. If Rate = k [A] 0 whereby [A] 0 = 1, then Rate= k. The overall order of the reaction would be the sum of each reactant order Overall order = x + y In the case of this reaction, the overall reaction order would be 3 . Once the orders of the reaction are determined, the rate constant, k, can be calculated using any data points because k is a “constant.” The rate law is simply rearranged to solve for k. ???? = ? [ S 2 O 8 2 ] 1 [ I ] 2 .
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