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West Virginia University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by DoctorTitaniumSkunk31

MAKE UP AND HOMEWORK FOR LAB 6 MUST BE COMPLETED INDEPENDENTLY DUE: OCTOBER 18TH -SUBMIT TO TURNITIN LAB 6 FOLDER AND EMAIL THE DOCUMENT TO ME ( Lab 6 Scientific Literature I Activities and Assignment Laboratory Activity In the lab, you will be practicing reading and understanding a primary scientific article. Follow your GTAs instructions as you work together as a group in a shared document provided by your GTA. You will identify unfamiliar terms and briefly summarize important ideas and information in the introduction and methods sections. Reading and Understanding the Introduction The introduction section of a primary scientific article introduces the reader to the topic. It typically begins rather broad so that the reader understands the general importance or relevance of the research. As background information is added, the rationale for the experiment becomes progressively clearer. Authors will usually refer to previously published work to indicate what is already known about the topic and show how the new questions fit in with the current knowledge. At the end of the introduction section is where you will usually find a question, hypothesis, or objective for the research. Using the scientific article your GTA has provided, work as a group to address each of the following prompts. While you may be tempted to copy/paste from sources or the scientific paper, avoid doing so. Rather, rephrase your responses into your own words. Paraphrasing in this way will demonstrate your understanding of the material you are reading. 1. Read through the abstract and introduction of the scientific paper provided by your GTA. List unfamiliar terms and technical jargon, then search the internet to help you define them. 1.Phytoextraction Using plants to remove contaminants in soils 2.phytoremediation
Uses plants to clean up contaminated environments 3.physicochemical Relating to physical chemistry 4.bioaccumulation an increase in the concentration of a chemical in a organism over time, 5.translocation factors explains an ability of a plant to translocate the metal from roots through shoots and leaves of a plant which is primarily responsible for phytoextraction. 2. In a few sentences, summarize the background information needed to understand the project presented in the paper. Be sure to include the authors’ justification for conducting the research. Some basic background knowledge that would be mainly needed to understand the article is knowing the type of remediation techniques to properly defuse the metals. 3. In a couple of sentences, summarize the question being asked by the researchers. Indicate their hypotheses, predictions, and/or objectives for the study. Hypothesis If H. annuus was removed of Pb and Cd from the soil then the plant would grow more effectively without heavy metals Predictions If H. annuus was removed of Pb and Cd from the soil then the plant would grow more efficiently Objectives To know how much of the metal is removed, and if it makes a difference Reading and Understanding the Methods The methods section is a description of how the research was conducted. It explains how data was collected and analyzed. It is informative enough for someone else to repeat the experiment, but does not contain unnecessary details. When reading through the methods, pay attention to the level of detail provided to the reader. For example, it may provide the final concentration of reagents but not the stock concentration. It is assuming the reader has a level of knowledge needed to dilute their stock concentration to the final concentration. Subheadings in methods sections are common and help clarify various steps included in the research. Using the scientific article your GTA has provided, work as a group to address each of the following prompts. While you may be tempted to copy/paste from sources or the scientific paper, avoid doing so. Rather, rephrase your responses into your own words. Paraphrasing in this way will demonstrate your understanding of the material you are reading.
4. List and describe terms and/or methods you do not know. Search the Internet to help you define the terms and understand the techniques. 1.Phytoextraction Using plants to remove contaminants in soils 2.phytoremediation Uses plants to clean up contaminated environments 3.physicochemical Relating to physical chemistry 5. Identify and describe the independent and dependent variables, controls and constants. Explain what was manipulated, compared, measured, etc. Independent variable Air-dried loamy sand soil Dependent variable Plants, shoots and roots are being tested Controlled variables The plants that were in the healthy environment Constants The H. annuus 6. Pay attention to the level of detail given by the authors in the methods. Note that rather than step by step instructions, the authors present a narrative of what they did and how they conducted the research. The goal of this section is to provide enough information that another scientist could repeat the experiment while avoiding excessive/unnecessary details. Give 3 examples of how the authors accomplished this goal. 1. They got straight to the point in understanding the experiment 2. They explained everything in great detail and gave exact numbers. 3. They broke down the experiment into different parts for example having everything labeled like the conclusions to the results and discussion. HOMEWORK BELOW: Email me your article for approval BEFORE completing the rest of the assignment. - COMPLETE INDEPENDENTLY- you will complete this without your group for the make up lab Searching for Scientific Articles from the Primary Literature Finding primary scientific articles that interest you, and distinguishing them from secondary sources, can take practice. Your next task is to work as a group to select a topic and find a primary scientific article to use for homework. Use tools through WVU Libraries
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