Problem Set 5



University of California, Berkeley *

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Oct 30, 2023





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Chemistry 120B, Fall 2023 Problem Set 5 Due Friday, Oct. 6 1. (35 points) The classical partition function for an imperfect gas comprising N atoms is given approximately by 2 0 2 2 3 1 ( ) , ! N cl N V N Q Q Q B T N V = = where 1/2 (2 ) B h mk T  = and ( ) 2 ( )/ 2 2 0 1 ( ) 4 1 2 u R kT B T R e R dR = − is the second virial coefficient. a) Derive a general expression for the energy 2 , ln cl N V Q E kT T = of the imperfect gas in terms of B 2 (T) and/or dB 2 (T)/dT. You may use the same approximation we used in class when finding ln(Q 2 ). b) The Lennard-Jones potential is given by 12 6 ( ) 4 u R R R = . For this potential, 3 3 2 2 16 ( ) 3 9 B B T k T   = . Find an expression for 0 / E E , the fractional correction to the ideal gas energy E 0 , where E , which will depend on and , is the contribution from the Lennard- Jones interaction. c) For a pair of Ar atoms, the Lennard-Jones parameters are =3.61 Å and =83 cm -1 . Plot this potential, with values for , R e (the value of R at the potential energy minimum), and indicated on the appropriate axes. Calculate B 2 (T) and 0 / E E for Ar gas at P=1.0 bar and T=298 K. Explain why these values are positive and/or negative. 2. (35 points) We have previously shown that for an ideal gas, the Helmholtz free energy 3 ln ln Ve F kT Q NkT N = − = − . (a) Using the ideal gas law PV=NkT, show that the Gibbs free energy G=F+PV is given by 3 ln kT G NkT P = − . Find the chemical potential under constant volume and constant pressure , i.e. , V T F N = and , T P G N = . Are the results the same or different?
(b) We can also define the chemical potential in terms of derivatives of the energy E and enthalpy H. For a one component system, these are , V S E N = and , P S H N = . Evaluate these expressions for an ideal gas and compare to those in part (a). Hint: Use the cyclic rule (Cooksy, p.16) as a first step. 3. (25 points) The charge-dipole interaction between Ne + and HCl separated by distance r is given by 2 cos ( ) q V r r = , where q is the charge on the Ne + , is the dipole moment of the HCl, and is the angle between the HCl dipole moment and the vector r between the Ne + ion and the HCl center of mass. This expression holds for a particular orientation of the HCl molecule. Set up an expression for ( ) ( ) V r V r = , i.e. the charge-dipole potential averaged over all orientations ( , ) at temperature T, and evaluate this expression. Here are some possibly useful formulae for the evaluation: 1 1 1 1 2 sinh( ) 2 sinh( ) 2cosh( ) 1 coth( ) 3 ax ax e dx a a ax e dx a a a a a a = = +
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