The Giver: Themes

Individuality and Freedom of Choice

Throughout The Giver, Lowry underscores the dangers of enforced homogeneity. She urges her readers to value individuality and freedom of expression and thought. In its attempt to create an ideal society, the community denies its citizens the right to make choices and forces them to lead a life dictated by rules. However, these utopian ideals go awry. In practice, this amounts to manipulation and excessive, unjustifiable control of people. The community is thus devoid of real feelings and emotions.

The individuals are also unable to choose their partners or careers—these are also determined by the community’s rules. In effect, the novel is a commentary on the dangers of sameness. It encourages readers to celebrate differences instead of disparaging them or pretending they do not exist.


One of the most important themes in The Giver is the significance of memory to human life. Without memory, the same mistakes can be made over and over again. Memory allows people to learn from their mistakes; however, nobody other than Jonas and the Giver comprehends its importance.

To eliminate all pain, the community, at some point in the past, decided to give up memories of its collective experiences (history). This decision shows the community’s inability to recognize that there can be no true happiness without pain. In essence, the community removed both suffering and joy from people’s lives. Without the contrast of these emotions they felt nothing.

In the end, by giving the memories back to the residents, the author seems to emphasize the importance of collective experiences when it comes to building a healthy society. The concept of having a past, present and a future are vital to what makes us human.

Death and Release

“Release” is a euphemism for death in the novel. Since they are devoid of memories, the residents, however, see it merely as a pleasant exit from society. In some cases, the residents also see the release as occasion for celebration. Jonas learns about the reality of “release” when his father releases one of the twins. He understands that “release” in indeed just death. Further, Rosemary’s self-inflicted release leaves a deep impression on Jonas. He does not want Gabriel to experience a similar fate. Therefore, unable to live in a society that does not acknowledge pain and suffering and in an attempt to save Gabriel, Jonas decides to escape.

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