Section One – Summary and Analysis: Grendel Terrorizes Heorot

The first few lines of Beowulf foretell the events about to unravel. They also offer readers a glimpse of some of the poem’s major characters. The narrator of the poem is akin to a ‘scop,’ a bard who used to sing or narrate an epic poem before an audience. At the outset, the narrator traces the ancestry of the Scyldings, the ruling dynasty of Denmark. Shield Sheafson, also known as Scyld Scefing, is the pioneer of the Scyldings. He is discovered as an orphan floating on a vessel filled with treasure arriving at the shores of Denmark. After his death, as a tribute to the circumstances in which he was discovered, his body is placed in a vessel along with several valuables and set to sail. Arguably, the ritual represents the mystery of birth and death.bard who used to sing or narrate an epic poem before an audience. At the outset, the narrator traces the ancestry of the Scyldings, the ruling dynasty of Denmark. Shield Sheafson, also known as Scyld Scefing, is the pioneer of the Scyldings. He is discovered as an orphan floating on a vessel filled with treasure arriving at the shores of Denmark. After his death, as a tribute to the circumstances in which he was discovered, his body is placed in a vessel along with several valuables and set to sail. Arguably, the ritual represents the mystery of birth and death.

Shield goes on to establish the Scyldings dynasty. He is succeeded by his son Beow, who is mistakenly referred to as Beowulf in the only manuscript of the poem available. Beow is a respected king, and his throne is inherited by his son Halfdane. Among the four sons of Halfdane is Hrothgar, who succeeds him as king. Hrothgar lives up to the glory of his ancestors and earns a good reputation. A mead hall named Heorot is built to commemorate his success. It becomes the seat of his rule and a place for his warriors to gather.

Heorot symbolizes Danish honor, a much-valued trait during Hrothgar’s rule. The mead hall serves as a meeting place for Danish warriors and protects them from invasions. The hall also symbolizes the mutual trust between Hrothgar and his retainers.

Hrothgar’s prosperous rule is marred by Grendel’s constant attacks on Heorot. Though Grendel is not specifically mentioned as a monster in the poem, he is described as a humanoid with superhuman strength, and his actions amount to that of a monster. The poet introduces a Christian dimension to the story by describing Grendel as a descendant of Cain. According to the Bible, Cain was ostracized from society for having committed fratricide. Grendel, much like his ancestor, avoids human contact; he lives in a swamp. His intolerance of humans is made worse by the noise emanating from Heorot. Grendel attacks Heorot and kills thirty of Hrothgar’s warriors and devours them. He continues to torment Hrothgar and his men every night for twelve years. Eventually, Heorot is abandoned.

The poet depicts Grendel, one of three antagonists in the poem, as more than a personification of evil. Had Grendel been reduced to a demonic anti-hero, he would have been a one-dimensional character. Grendel’s ancestral history makes him unsuitable for human company. Even his physical features, especially his claws, prevent him from socializing with humans. Furthermore, the poet tries to juxtapose Christian ethics with Pagan beliefs related to the Germanic tradition. This is achieved by depicting a scop narrating the Song of Creation. That Grendel had not received God’s grace also explains his exclusion from human society.

While the poem does not overtly suggest that Grendel is culpable for his exclusion from human society, it nonetheless provides an account of his atrocities against humans. Grendel’s twelve-year-long rampage of Heorot is a sustained barbaric attack. He also devours his victims, which hints at cannibalism.

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