
Video Games As An Art Form Essay

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A Case for Video Games as an Art Form Video games are a profound art form, incorporating trades and mediums that span the artistic spectrum and beyond. To refute this is to ignore decades of rich history, disregard hours of artful labor, and discredit the immeasurable devotion of many whom worked to perfect this art form. Although video games may not suit every individual’s tastes, one cannot claim with credibility they possess no artistic merit. My awareness of this concept is longstanding. From my most juvenile years, I have been captivated by this genre. To be a child and hold in the palm of your hand what feels like a window to an exhilarating adventure in a limitless universe is, in short, a riveting experience. However, the rush is not exclusive to children. This digital magic is a far cry from tag and hopscotch. An enthralling escape from our mundane world entrances a wide demographic, earning it a greater value than a mere downtime occupant. Video games have developed a belittling reputation that they do not deserve. The voluntarily ignorant have unjustly assigned them this connotation. Naturally, with any change, resistance occurs. The innovation that video games introduced to the arts is unprecedented. That said, it is evident that not all artists are willing to accept something so radically novel. Even so, why is it that any creator would not welcome a new creative realm with less limits than ever before? There is but one discernable answer: Intimidation. It is

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