
Exploring Different Types of Video Games Essay

Decent Essays

Video games in today’s society have become very popular. Every new game that comes out to be played and conquered by the average gamer has its own category. There are several other types of genres of games that people play but because of big hit titles and the new popular game systems like the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, people become more interested in a game that is well known than a game they have never even heard of before. Every game has its own storyline and own way of how it unfolds and where the game ends according to game play. Some of the biggest reasons people sway to certain genres of games is because of the game titles released under them and the demand of people who want a good game under that category. The top three most …show more content…

Unlike action/adventure games, people don’t have to run to a particular spot in the game to get that special item they wanted, instead, they just simply unlock it when he or she has accomplished the necessary requirements to get the item.
Action/Adventure categories of games are very unique. These types of games generally feature long-term obstacles that must be overcome using a tool or object that is acquired at the beginning of the game. These types of games are generally a more item gathering, simple puzzle solving, and combat game. Games such as Assassins Creed and Ratchet and Clank are perfect examples of this category of games. Assassins Creed is a bit more puzzle solving and more stealth like than Ratchet and Clank whereas Ratchet and Clank is more of an action pack filled game with more item gathering and small obstacles along the way encountering combat in every turn that is made. Another famous action/adventure game would be Super Mario. The perfect storyline of saving a princess and while looking for her one would encounter different but strong enemies in each level he or she would go in; along the way he or she would also benefit from picking up certain items and having to complete certain obstacles to obtain that item that does later on become very handy when used it at the right time. Role-playing games play similar to action/adventure games but has a much more difficult way of how the game is completed.
RPG’s or role-playing games

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