
The Reason for Going to War Essay

Decent Essays

The Reason for Going to War

Since the beginning of the war on Iraq, over 8243 civilians, 11000 Iraqi soldiers and 642 Coalition soldiers have died. There has not been one day since a US soldier was killed and since the beginning of the occupation, 39750 bombs have been dropped and $117 billion dollars have been spent.

And no weapons of mass destruction have been found.

This was precisely the reason that President George Bush wanted to go to war over. In his speech to the nation informing them of his decision, he said, “The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder.”

Saddam …show more content…

Britain and America claim to have gone to war with Iraq as they believed they held weapons of mass destruction and also because they wanted to rid the country of it’s “evil dictator” (who was in power for over twenty years before these two leaders decided to do anything about it). However, during Iraq’s war with Iran during 1980-1988, we gave this “evil dictator” weapons to use and when Iraq used chemical weapons in 1988 against their own people, no one opposed it.

Britain and America also claimed that Iraq had broken several resolutions set by the UN (as have many other countries all over the world). However, by invading Iraq, Britain and America defied the UN and International Law themselves, as they went to war without the backing of the UN.

Over $117 billion has been spent on this war with Iraq-a lot of money. But where is it coming from? In Britain alone, complaints about the poorly funded NHS have arisen in the past few years, as well as the lack of money being targeted towards other public sectors such as education and pensions for the elderly. However, we are

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