
Was The Iraq War Justified

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A War to Stop Violence
The Iraq War was a conflict that lasted from 2003-2011, and many gave their lives to see this conflict end. While many supported the war at the beginning, opinions of the war quickly began to change as to whether the war was justifiable. Many who supported the war justified it saying the war routed out terrorist and brought stability to the region, but opponents argued that the war generated more violence and destabilized the area. There are several points for each reason, and both opinions are valid. However, the majority of opinions at the beginning say that going into the Iraq War made no mistakes, but five years later, the public opinion said that going into Iraq was a mistake (Evans, 2009). Then a few more years …show more content…

While many argue whether the war was justified, the war is ultimately unjust and other methods should have been used to intervene.
Reasons on why the war started
Before examining each argument, there must be an understanding on why the United States. The US invaded Iraq for several reasons, and one reason is that Saddam Hussein sponsored terrorism, even though that Hussein had “no direct connection to Osama bin Laden.” Another reason that the US decided to invade Iraq was the “swift victory…in Afghanistan”; since the US dealt with Afghanistan very easily, they assumed that a victory over Iraq would be just as swift. A third reason that the United States invaded Iraq was the support from the American people. Bipartisan support in Congress, the media, and the public allowed President George W. Bush to invade Iraq; while he did not receive support from the United Nations, the Iraq War had about seventy percent …show more content…

The first was that Saddam Hussein had no WMD’s to hide. As Jamie Tarabuay puts it, “the search for WMD turned up empty-handed (2015).” Another reason against the war was that there was that Iran flourished after their main nemesis, Iraq, was destroyed; after the “death of [Iran’s] main nemesis, [Iran] now exerts greater influence over a region stretching from the Persian sands all the way to the verdant Levant (Tarabuay, 2015).” A third reason that people opposed the war is that the new Iraqi makes it hard to business regarding oil; the new government imposes “severe conditions” for new oil contracts and resists privatizing their oil fields (Tarabuay, 2015). A fourth reason that the other side claims that is that the Arab Spring and the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with each other; Tarabuay claims that a connection with the Iraq War and the Arab Spring is Nonsense. A fifth reason is that the US did not make a democracy that worked; James Traub argues that while he believed the war could be just, President Bush did not accept responsibility for post-war nation building (2015). While both sides make very good arguments, the solution is not as black and white as it

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