
The Pros And Cons Of Domestic Terrorism

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In today’s society domestic terrorism is one of the biggest threats to the United States. Some of these recent terrorist attacks include. Domestic Terrorism is when U.S. citizens carry out terrorist acts against other U.S. residents or groups.Many people think that the biggest threat of terrorism to the U.S. is from a foreign country, when in fact, the bigger threat is closer to home. Domestic terrorism is becoming a bigger threat to the U.S. than international terrorism and we need to find a way to prevent these attacks.

Domestic terrorists are turning into such a bigger threat as there becomes more and more dangerous domestic terrorist groups. For instance, right-wing extremists are becoming more of a danger that we can’t ignore. As said by Kurt Eichenwald, “[Timothy] McVeigh, the infamous anti-government extremist, murdered 168 people in 1995 when he detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.”Like Timothy McVeigh, many U.S. citizens have had violent disagreements about rights and freedoms with government officials, which has caused many of these antigovernment extremist groups to form. According to Ron Nixon, “Mr. Ellison said, ‘Right-wing extremists have launched an average of 330 attacks a year and killed about 250 people between 2002 and 2011. These are dangerous people.’” Right-wing extremists are becoming a bigger threat to our country. They are attacking and killing more people every year and we need to find a

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