
Microsoft Versus Sony : Entertainment Battle The Entertainment Industry

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Microsoft versus Sony: The Entertainment Battle The entertainment industry is a major cash cow for many different organizations. There are some that create different movies and television shows; others compete in the realm of music. The video game industry is yet another aspect of the entertainment industry. Two companies stand tall as the number one and two competitors within the heap. Sony and Microsoft have separated themselves from amongst the pack as the leaders to watch within this generation of the console wars. Sony used a much better strategy to get their system in front of the masses and off to a stronger start. However, Microsoft has made a number of changes that has helped push momentum back in their direction. The first aspect of this conversation is to understand exactly what both parties are currently bringing to the table. At this time, video game players are enjoying what is considered the 8th generation of video game consoles. Both companies have created new products that are very powerful and very expensive gaming systems. For Microsoft, they have their Xbox One, which is their third gaming system since entering the industry. Sony is currently pushing the PlayStation 4 which is their fourth console. Each of these platforms is very similar with their structure set up. Looking at the image provided, it is clear that both of these systems are very similar and have capabilities that are nearly the same. However, different aspects of how Sony and Microsoft

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