
It Doesn 't Matter By Nicholas Carr

Decent Essays

Nicholas G. Carr initiated a discussion about the strategic importance of IT spending of companies in his Article "IT Doesn 't Matter" published in Harward business review , 2003. He also advises to reduce the spending on IT infrastructure by arguing the fact that IT become commodity rather than a strategic advantage. Diminishing strategic advantage of the IT as explained by Nicholas Carr is not a broad view of the topic and Author has limited the scope of IT with mostly hardware part and not discussed the various advantages a firm can gain with use of information technology in a whole. Author suggests that business corporations should spend less on the IT infrastructure by arguing that IT is no more a strategic advantage and is similar to other commodity which is assessable to each and every one at market place. Author advices organizations to spend less on the IT capital, to wait and learn from the mistake of competitors and also evaluate the risks associated with the implementation of IT infrastructure. Author has provided the details of it spending and financial outcome of the industry. Here we need to understand that financial out come from an IT investment cannot be expected immediately or in the same financial year. First of all capital goods are very different from the information good. Business benefitted from the Information technology not only based on the how much they spent on the IT rater than how their IT operations are aligned with their

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