
Definition Essay On War

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Happiness is the most sought after thing in the world and it is also one of the least understood, you could buy all the cars boats planes and houses available to you and you could still not be happy; why is that? It is because happiness doesn’t come in the form of an object, it is intangible. Happiness doesn’t come from wealth or from accomplishments you have made, but instead it comes from fulfilling your purpose in life. What you want to do in life and your purpose in life can be two very different things. While you might love to play basketball you are much better at teaching people than entertaining people which would mean you have a lot to contribute to society by being a teacher, but not just any teacher the best teacher you …show more content…

War in itself is unjust there is no way to justify the killing of even one person much less the absurdly large number of lives taken in the war. While unjust there is seemingly no end in sight to war, because no country wants to be weaker than another country and no side wants to be the losing side, retaliation is not the answer to everything and maybe a less heavy footed decision has to be made in these situations, but war can also mean something good, something patriotic. A man fighting for his country against all odds, what does he get from it? Nothing other than the pride he gets for standing at arms with all his brothers fighting for their homes. These patriots even then are still losing their lives for seemingly nothing, what comes from winning a war other than the fight finally being over? Nothing, winning a war just ends the fighting.
War may not be justified but it sometimes may become necessary, when a war is over ideas there is no stopping it, there is no way to take some ones beliefs away from them and the people that have opposing beliefs will always think they are right and will fight for their belief till either the very end or until they have convinced every single other person they are

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