
Coolidge Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

This world may never be 100% crime free and because of that, some people don’t let crime dictate whether they will move into a city or not, however. If a city had a dangerous gang roaming the streets day and night, opening businesses and driving other well off businesses out, would he or she still move to that city? If a city had 4 of 5 of the adolescents on probation, house arrest, or on an ankle monitor, would a person want to raise their child/children there? If yes was the answer to either of the questions then Coolidge, Arizona is the place to be. In the city of Coolidge, a person can literally work backward in life while watching the juveniles run amuck.
To start off Coolidge, Arizona populates less than 15,000 people, so it is a pretty …show more content…

Over ⅔ of the youth that lives in the city has been in trouble with the law at least once. Since 2015 there has been 91 arrests, 45 put on probation, 84 put on house arrest, and 163 who served over 16 hours of community service all of which were between the ages of 11 and 17.(“CDP Monthly Activity Report”) Every city will have delinquents going around looking for trouble but with the population of Coolidge so small and the numbers of the adolescents record so staggering it is easy to infer that Coolidge simply is no place for kids. 3 of 4 of every teenager will have been in trouble with the law by the time he/she gets to their senior year of high school if they don’t drop out first. The high school dropout rates in Coolidge go up and down year after year, but the lowest of high school dropouts in a year was 10% while the highest was at a staggering 36% (County, By) This city is not safe for anyone nonetheless a place that has no interest in doing good for …show more content…

The nicest building in Coolidge is the police station, but it is fair to mention that police are at the scene of a crime relatively fast. The town seems to be a place where people on the run and ex-convicts who have no desire on changing their lives go to hide out. Anyone in their right mind would see how horrible of an area Coolidge is just after a few days of visiting. On a fair note, the city has a few fast food restaurants, two super- markets, and a couple of other things to work at. These jobs would be perfect if a person plans on earning minimum wage for the rest of his/her life or until he/she moves, whichever one comes first. No one in their right mind should ever consider Coolidge, Arizona as an option when planning to

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