
Calvin Coolidge Biography

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Although every president wants to be like President Reagan, a good example is Calvin Coolidge because he has a picture of Reagan at his desk. Calvin Coolidge was born on July 4th, 1872, Plymouth Notch, Vermont. He was the 30th president of the United States (1923-1929). His early life was noticed by two major destruction- the death of his mother when he was 12, and the death of his only sister when he was 18. His father later remarried and lived a long life. His father was a very hard working and honest man who established the same values in his son. John grew up to be a principle young man of strong character under his father’s guidance. John Calvin Coolidge (he dropped the john after college) was named after his father who works as …show more content…

He practiced commercial law and soon gained a reputation as a hardworking and honest attorney. The same year, he won election to the city of Northampton. Coolidge was elected Mayor of Northampton in 1909 in a close election and was reelected in 1910. In 1911, he was elected to the Massachusetts State Senate and was re-elected twice. In his third term in 1914, he was elected presiding officer of the senate. In 1915, Coolidge was elected Lieutenant Governor and served for three years. Coolidge was elected Governor in November of 1918. He emphasized the importance of law and order. Coolidge’s remained determined in the face of adversity. During his term as Governor, there was a argument between the streetcar and Jitney drivers. He ordered the railroads to put the streetcars back into operation. The Jitney drivers threatened to crucify him badly. He told the” Don’t let me deter you. Go right ahead.” Coolidge said later that it was a great condition being able to first serve as Vice-President gaining national experience before becoming President, because he said he was not gifted with intuition. He was the first Vice-President to ever attend Cabinet meetings, although he said very …show more content…

Some scholars have suggested that Coolidge was never the same after the death of his son and this it influenced his effectiveness and enthusiasm for the presidency. In July of 1924, Calvin developed a blister on his right toe while playing tennis without socks with his brother john. He didn’t say anything about it for several days, but when Dr. Boone the white house physician took a look at it, he knew the foot was in bad condition. Blood tests showed that he had a serious infection. On July 6th, he was taken to Walter Reed Hospital and many cures were attempted. As Calvin neared death, he thought he was leading a charge of his toy soldiers in battle. Then his body relaxed and he said,

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