
Behavior And Conduct Expectations During My Classroom Observation

Satisfactory Essays

1. Evaluate how well you structured, directed and reinforced organizational and conduct expectations during this lesson. (5)
I believe I my lesson was well structured, directed and organized. I had 2 lines facing for partner throwing and 4 quadrants for the shuffling drill. I give demonstrations before and during the activities to reinforce my expectations. Before I would begin to talk I would always say, “when I am talking you are…?” and the students would reply saying, “not.” Moreover, the students understood when I said, “park it in the garage” that I wanted all footballs on the floor and out of students hands. My organization was tested toward the end of the lesson. Coach Dennis struggled with his side of the class room causing my group to struggles as well. However, I was not horrible to the point that the task could not be accomplished.

2. Describe how your students did with the activities that you had planned? Were the activities at the appropriate ability level for these students – even if the activities were on target there will likely be differences in performance so answer this question by talking very specifically (by describing student’s performance) about how they did with the activity. (5points) …show more content…

Although, it was still necessary that I demonstrate what they were going to do before I did anything. In the beginning, some students struggled with catching from any distance, yet their performance and effort was great. In the last activity (Leap Frog) their skill level was moderate, some struggled with shuffling simply because they did not have on appropriate gym wear. When I noticed this a gave a better demonstration and let most students preform the task in a modified manner. If I did this lesson again I would check for understanding more frequently in all four quadrants of the

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