
Argumentative Essay: Can War Be Justified?

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How can going to war be justified? In order to come to terms with making war, from the perspective of a Just War Theorist, the principles of justice in going to war must be defined. Justification in going to war is a topic which has shown up throughout the centuries and is commonly categorized as force to keep evil at bay through the means of a proper governing authority taking violent action, with right intentions, for a just cause. Deeply rooted in the scriptures of the Old Testament, this ethical position on war was founded by several Church Fathers, including Augustine of Hippo. According to these and other Just War Theorists, the criteria for using force are regarded as Jus ad Bellum, which is Latin meaning “right to war”. Traditionally, the main principles of Jus ad Bellum are proper authority, just cause, and right intention. Throughout the years, Thomas Aquinas, Darrell Cole, Jean Elshtain, and many others further articulated and formulated their ideas of “just” war based on the ideas laid out by the founding theologians.

Expand on main aspects – just cause, proper authority, right intention …show more content…

“A warrior who gives victory” (Zephaniah 3:13) is a picture of God, which arises ubiquitously in the Old Testament. David, Jeremiah, and many others speak of God with a warlike character that brings judgment upon mankind. God is not exclusively described as a warrior though; He is attributed with characteristics of mercy, love, compassion, justice, judgment, and truth. (Exodus 34:6-7) When looking at the God of the Old Testament versus that of the New, there have been controversies in regards to whether or not the Bible portrays the same God. According to Augustine, God’s covenant is what changes between the Testaments but most definitely not His character. “Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.” (Hebrews

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