
A Critical Analysis And Evaluation Of Martens

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This chapter provides a critical, analysis and evaluation of Martens, A., Sainudiin, R., Sibley, C. G., Schimel, J., & Webber, D. (2014) research on how Terrorist Attacks Escalate in Frequency and Fatalities Preceding Highly Lethal Attacks. The combined information extracted from Martens, A. et al. (2014) article and Muhlhausen, et al. (2011), generated by the Heritage Foundations will provide support and establish the foundation for this research on the violent criminal behavior, its co-relation to terrorism the potentiality of violence in the streets of America. This chapter will attempt to establish that social issues (legal or illegal) that could be committed by either national or transnational immigrants, U. S. citizens or U. S naturalized citizens who have been conditioned, or radicalized into committing acts of terrors or violence against Americans.
Section one will provide a survey covering a span of a decade since the September 9/11 attacks. It provides an overview of Terror Trends, 40 Years’ Data on International and Domestic Terrorism and how the data provide critical information that could be utilized by agencies engaged in counterterrorism formulation of policy and possibly help enhance homeland security policies for future preventions.
Section two will examine the data provided by Zuckerman, J., Bucci, S. P., & Carafano, J. J. (2013), considered a track record of terrorist plots since September 9/11 against the United States. It provides a historical account

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