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May 12, 2024





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Inbound Marketing Quick Wins RACE website review and recommendations template Table of contents Start here – how can this template be used? ........................................................................... 1 1 PLAN recommendations ....................................................................................................... 2 2 REACH recommendations ..................................................................................................... 4 3 ACT and CONVERT recommendations ................................................................................... 6 4 ENGAGE recommendations ................................................................................................. 10 Example ................................................................................................................................ 12 Start here – how can this template be used? This template is designed for quick initial reviews and recommendations on how to improve digital marketing, focusing on a website and inbound marketing communications that drive traffic to it, in particular SEO, content and social media marketing. It’s based on a review we regularly use at an early stage in a redesign or consulting project. We have also used it when mentoring Expert members to improve their site or their clients’ sites. If you would like an independent review using a more strategic or detailed evaluation and recommendations do contact us to discuss the options . Use-cases We have designed this template to be used in these situations: A small business owner or marketing manager wants to review and improve their own site in a structured way An agency or consultant is doing a rapid review of a site effectiveness as part of a pitch An initial review to identify short-term and longer-term improvement as part of a larger project A review to prepare before a job interview or when first in post It is structured around all the customer touchpoints covered by RACE with an initial planning section to review business aims, objectives and tracking. The template gives a structured review of key marketing approaches within each of the areas of Reach, InterAct, Convert and Engage. The column on the left prompts issues to consider and questions to ask with the column on the right being filled in with recommendations. Format We’ve created it as a simple, unbranded, unformatted Word document so that it can be more easily used in your company. You can use these custom styles in Word in the right hand column to make discussing numbered points easier: Key Recommendation 1. Biggest impact Recommendation 1) Lower impact, also to consider More detailed audits? Since this template is for a quick review of the main success factors for inbound marketing based on a business website, you will need to understand inbound marketing techniques. See our 7 Steps guides and audits for SEO, AdWords, Google Analytics, Website design and Email marketing for greater detail. Digital marketing review and recommendations for <company name> Review by <Name> Company name ( ). Page 1 of 12
1 PLAN recommendations PLAN Reviewing business goals and understanding the marketplace Evaluation Recommendation Background fact-finding or discovery to establish business priorities and goals and define audiences and goals inbound marketing will be reviewed against 1. Key audiences and markets Audience personas can and should be developed <client name> to ensure that site design and online marketing is optimized to be consistent with audiences needs and interests journeys that persuades them to take the correct action. Are international sales important, or mainly one country? 2 Online marketing goals objectives Ask client to describe broad website goals and specific objectives for different audiences or personas: Lead-generation for email or phone follow- up Transactional sales Influencing organization Customer services Partner marketing 3. Tracking Online marketing outcomes Which KPIs are used. Specific targets? KPIs defined across RACE? Analytics customized with goals and funnels (see Google Analytics setup guide ) Dashboards to review performance 4. Key customer journeys We will also assess the primary (desirable) path for these key audience(s) This includes offline activities before or after visiting a web site or receiving e-mail. Sample customer journeys to review First time visitor from related company site, e.g. Directed information seeker from search engine seeking specific product information Potential customer checking credibility of supplier before making purchase Existing customer – repeat purchase or other transaction. Existing customer – finding tools to help them support their job or live their life. 1. Key audiences and markets 2 Online marketing goals objectives 3. Tracking Online marketing outcomes 4. Key customer journeys Digital marketing review and recommendations for <company name> Review by <Name> Company name ( ). Page 2 of 12
1b Key user questions This is a great technique to review how effective a site is in answering the questions of different customer personas will have about a product or service, particularly an unfamiliar one and persuading them to take action. It’s one technique of evaluating and improving web content and navigation from our Customer Persona Toolkit which also shows other options for customer journey mapping and persona creation. Key User Questions Question Comments and Answers Run of site features 1 What is this thing (service)? 2 What can I do with it/how does it work? 3 Do I need this? How will it help me? 4 What else do I need? 5 Convince me? 6 Reassure me! 7 What is it going to cost? 1 What is this thing (service)? 2 What can I do with it/how does it work? 3 Do I need this? How will it help me? 4 What else do I need? 5 Convince me? 6 Reassure me! 7 What is it going to cost? Digital marketing review and recommendations for <company name> Review by <Name> Company name ( ). Page 3 of 12
2 REACH recommendations REACHING customers Visitor acquisition tactic review & recommendations Evaluation Recommendation Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 1 Current performance snapshot % of visits, leads or sales: 2 Keyphrase analysis Check desktop against smartphone rankings Results of gap analysis 3 Index inclusion 4 Document meta data On-page titles, descriptions and keywords 5 On-page optimisation 6 Internal link-building 7 Content marketing for external link- building Including content marketing, E-PR, social media and partnerships – see Act and Engage sections Review relative to competitors: Current Domain Authority (via Backlink domain history (via Majestic): (includes content marketing, E-PR, Social media and partnerships) 8 Resourcing and process Depending on business goals and markets these may need to assessed for different countries 1 Current performance snapshot 2 Keyphrase analysis 3 Index inclusion 4 Document meta data 5 On-page optimisation 6 Internal link-building 7 Content marketing for external link-building 8 Resourcing and process Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing (Google Adwords) 1 Current performance snapshot 2 Keyphrase analysis and selection 3 Search ad network selection 4 Campaign structure 5 Budgeting strategy 1 Current performance snapshot 2 Keyphrase analysis and selection 3 Search ad network selection 4 Campaign structure 5 Budgeting strategy Digital marketing review and recommendations for <company name> Review by <Name> Company name ( ). Page 4 of 12
6 Keyword matching 7 Listing position strategy 8 Bidding strategy 9 Ad creative 10 Landing pages 11 Resourcing and process 6 Keyword matching 7 Listing position strategy 8 Bidding strategy 9 Ad creative 10 Landing pages 11 Resourcing and process Affiliate marketing 1 Current performance snapshot 2 Networks selected 3 Commission structure 4 Cookie period 5 Creative 6 Resourcing and process 1 Current performance snapshot 2 Networks selected 3 Commission structure 4 Cookie period 5 Creative 6 Resourcing and process Digital marketing review and recommendations for <company name> Review by <Name> Company name ( ). Page 5 of 12
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