
Wilfred Owen : The Greatest English Poet During The First World War Poem Summary

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Dulce Et Decorum Est Wilfred Owen
Wilfred Owen is recognized as the greatest English poet during the First World War. Wilfred Owen notable poems contains the lives and historical records. He wrote out of his intense personal experience as a soldier and wrote with unrivalled power of the physical, moral and psychological trauma of the First World War. From the early age of nineteen, Wilfred Owen wanted to become a poet and immersed himself in poetry, being specially impressed by Keats and Shelly. Wilfred Owen himself involved in the war and volunteered to fight on 21st Oct.1915. The psychological change dragged his mind to write the painful letter that he had experienced in war. The poem was written by Wilfred Owen during world …show more content…

The final stanza describes about travesties of war and to the corrupted lungs/Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud-they would no longer be able to tell future generations that it is noble to go to war for own country.
The poet highlight how a friend soldier of his was killed because he couldn’t find a mask in time. The poem is an anti-war poem set against the romantic illusion of the glory of war. It projects unnumbered kinds of death that war brings upon the youth. Owen suggests that if people could see what he had seen they would never be able to tell any enthusiastic thing about war to their children. The poem is mockery of the meaning of the title that it is sweet and right to die for your country. Owen’s distain for the war and the horrors that the soldiers experienced becomes evident throughout his poetry. No matter how noble the cause is the individual soldier can expect nothing but misery in combat an ignominious death and should be unfortunate enough to become a casualty.
The speaker of the poem describes the gruesome effects of the gas on the man and concludes that, if one were to see first hand the reality of war, one might not repeat mendacious platitudes like Dulce Et Decorum Est pro patria mori. “ It is sweet and proper to die for the fatherland”. In other words, it is wonderful and great honor to fight and die for your country. Analysis
Dulce Et Decorum Est is without a doubt one of the most

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